Hi Jim,
here are the answers  to your questions :
> What size and type of server?

SUNW,Sun-Fire-V240, Memory size: 2048 Megabytes

> What size and type of storage?

SAN-attached storage array, dual-path 2GB FC connection
4 LUNs 96GB each :
# mpathadm list lu
                Total Path Count: 2
                Operational Path Count: 2
                Total Path Count: 2
                Operational Path Count: 2
                Total Path Count: 2
                Operational Path Count: 2
                Total Path Count: 2
                Operational Path Count: 2

> What release of Solaris?
Solaris 10 11/06 s10s_u3wos_05a SPARC,
all patches installed

> What how may networks, and what type?
2 GBE interfaces point-to-point between NFS client and server:
bge1-bge1, bge2-bge2

> What is being used to generate the load for the testing?
spec.org SFS97_R1  http://www.spec.org/sfs97r1/

> What is the zpool configuration?
# zpool status tank1
  pool: tank1
 state: ONLINE
 scrub: none requested

        NAME                     STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        tank1                    ONLINE       0     0     0
          c3t001738010140003Bd0  ONLINE       0     0     0
          c3t001738010140003Cd0  ONLINE       0     0     0
          c3t001738010140002Dd0  ONLINE       0     0     0
          c3t001738010140003Dd0  ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

I've created 160 ZFS'es in this zpool.

> What do the system stats look like while under load
> (e.g. mpstat), and how
> to they change when you see this behavior?

normal load
CPU minf mjf xcal  intr ithr  csw icsw migr smtx  srw syscl  usr sys  wt idl
  0    0   0    2    29   24 4236    0  589  489    0    38    1  10   0  89
  1    0   0    2  1772 1666 4034    3  604  512    0    25    0  11   0  89
CPU minf mjf xcal  intr ithr  csw icsw migr smtx  srw syscl  usr sys  wt idl
  0    0   0   97  2849 2205 4183   23  287  614    0    12    0  75   0  25
  1    0   0  639  5406 5206 3877   56  287  638    0    18    0  75   0  25
CPU minf mjf xcal  intr ithr  csw icsw migr smtx  srw syscl  usr sys  wt idl
  0    0   0  504   198  122 4955    0  730  246    0    57    0  15   0  85
  1    0   0    6  2154 2049 4512    5  697  345    0   166    0  16   0  84
CPU minf mjf xcal  intr ithr  csw icsw migr smtx  srw syscl  usr sys  wt idl
  0    0   0    5    39   31 4108    2  603  261    0    44    0  10   0  90
  1    0   0    4  1899 1791 3967    6  604  327    0    51    1  12   0  87

When I see this behavior:
CPU minf mjf xcal  intr ithr  csw icsw migr smtx  srw syscl  usr sys  wt idl
  0    8   0  123  1065  836 3677   12  687  426    2    85    0  35   0  65
  1    7   0  276  2444 2266 3602   23  686  464    3    79    0  36   0  64
CPU minf mjf xcal  intr ithr  csw icsw migr smtx  srw syscl  usr sys  wt idl
  0    0   0  160  1400  971 6710    7 1395  608    3    12    0  59   0  41
  1    0   0  412  3733 3499 6596   28 1390  637    3    33    0  63   0  37

prstat | grep nfsd
   592 daemon     12M   10M sleep   60  -20   0:57:57  24% nfsd/1028
   592 daemon     12M   10M sleep   60  -20   0:57:59  24% nfsd/1028
   592 daemon     12M   10M sleep   60  -20   0:58:02  25% nfsd/1028

> What does "zpool iostat <zpool_name> 1" data look
> like while under load?
tank1       60.5G   321G  2.29K    675   144M  4.00M
tank1       60.5G   321G    496  2.45K  29.0M  9.26M
tank1       60.5G   321G    655  2.64K  40.6M  14.9M
tank1       60.5G   321G  2.73K    534   174M  6.96M
tank1       60.5G   321G  2.42K    719   151M  4.59M
tank1       60.5G   321G     32  2.91K  1.99M  14.8M
tank1       60.5G   321G     12  2.46K   824K  12.6M
tank1       60.5G   321G     63  1.83K  3.84M  13.9M
tank1       60.5G   321G  2.50K    903   150M  14.3M
tank1       60.5G   321G  2.93K    414   180M  10.1M
tank1       60.5G   321G  1.95K    998   124M  5.78M
tank1       60.5G   321G    164  2.65K  10.0M  12.1M
tank1       60.5G   321G    959  1.98K  58.6M  12.3M
tank1       60.5G   321G  2.82K    477   178M  7.56M
tank1       60.5G   321G    338  2.46K  20.8M  13.7M
tank1       60.5G   321G    166  3.01K  10.6M  17.8M

> Are you collecting nfsstat data - what is the rate of
> incoming NFS ops?

Server nfs:
calls     badcalls  
18673     0         
Version 3: (19090 calls)
null        getattr     setattr     lookup      access      readlink    
0 0%        2178 11%    209 1%      5214 27%    1343 7%     1368 7%     
read        write       create      mkdir       symlink     mknod       
0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        
remove      rmdir       rename      link        readdir     readdirplus 
0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        
fsstat      fsinfo      pathconf    commit      
0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        0 0%        

> Can you characterize the load - read/write data
> intensive, metadata intensive?

There is a standard mix of NFS ops defined by spec.org SFS :

SFS Aggregate Results for 1 Client(s), Thu Mar  1 18:28:04 2007
NFS Protocol Version 3
NFS         Target Actual     NFS    NFS    Mean    Std Dev  Std Error   Pcnt
Op           NFS    NFS       Op     Op    Response Response of Mean,95%  of
Type         Mix    Mix     Success Error   Time     Time    Confidence  Total
             Pcnt   Pcnt     Count  Count  Msec/Op  Msec/Op  +- Msec/Op  Time
getattr      11%   11.1%     66693     0     1.18     1.50      0.01      5.9%
setattr       1%    1.0%      6097     0     3.54     3.46      0.05      1.6%
lookup       27%   27.5%    164643     0     1.98     2.62      0.01     24.5%
readlink      7%    7.1%     42300     0     0.94     0.99      0.01      3.0%
read         18%   17.6%    105538     0     3.43     3.60      0.01     27.3%
write         9%    8.8%     52640     0     2.68     3.03      0.01     10.6%
create        1%    1.0%      6194     0     4.50     6.45      0.06      2.1%
remove        1%    1.0%      5922     0     5.86     6.22      0.06      2.6%
readdir       2%    2.0%     12261     0     2.46     1.85      0.02      2.3%
fsstat        1%    1.0%      6031     0     0.83     0.65      0.02      0.4%
access        7%    7.2%     42826     0     0.85     0.69      0.01      2.7%
commit        5%    4.5%     27218     0     2.73     3.47      0.02      5.6%
fsinfo        1%    1.0%      6010     0     0.84     0.72      0.02      0.4%
readdirplus   9%    9.1%     54513     0     2.66     2.26      0.01     10.9%
[i]( How can I use fixed-width font here or <pre></pre> tags ??? )[/i]

> Are the client machines Solaris, or something else?
Yes, the same configuration as on the server

> Does this last for seconds, minutes, tens-of-minutes?

When it becomes bad (in my case when the requested number of IOPS is 4000), it 
never gets back to normal behavior during the load.

[b]Just for comparison: 160 UFS'es on the same 4 LUNs concatenated by SVM and 
didvided into 160 soft partitions works fine under load of 11000 SFS IOPS. And 
number of NFS threads never jumps so high.[/b]

> Does the system 
> remain in this
> state indefinitely until reboot, or does it
> normalize?

Yes, remains in this state if the load doesn't stop.
> Can you consistently reproduce this problem?

Yes I can.

Thanks in advance,
-- Leon
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