> Hi,
> so far, discussing filesystem code via opensolaris
> means a certain 
> "specialization", in the sense that we do have:
> zfs-discuss
> ufs-discuss
> fuse-discuss
> Likewise, there are ZFS, NFS and UFS communities
> (though I can't quite 
> figure out if we have nfs-discuss ?).
> What's not there is a generic "FS thingies not in
> either of these". I.e. a 
> forum with the purpose of talking filesystem code in
> general (how to port 
> a *BSD filesystem, for example), or to contribute and
> discuss community 
> filesystem patches or early-access code.
> Internally, we've been having a fs-interest mailing
> list for such a 
> purpose for decades - why no generic "FS forum" on
> OpenSolaris.org ?
> There's more filesystems in the world than just ZFS,
> NFS and UFS. We do 
> have the legacy stuff, but there's also SMB/CIFS,
> NTFS, Linux-things, etc. 
> etc. etc.; I think these alone will never be
> high-volume enough to warrant 
> communities or even discussion lists of their own,
> but combined there's 
> surely enough to fill one mailing list ?
> Why _not_ have a
> "generic-fs-discuss at opensolaris.org", and a fs
> community 
> that deals with anything that's not [NUZ]FS ?
> Thanks for some thoughts on this,
> FrankH.
> ======================================================
> ======================
> No good can come from selling your freedom, not for
> all gold of the world,
> for the value of this heavenly gift exceeds that of
> any fortune on earth.
> ======================================================
> ======================
> _______________________________________________
> ufs-discuss mailing list
> ufs-discuss at opensolaris.org

Hi Frank,

I'm about to discuss/announce some changes that are coming within the next few 
months into ONNV.  My understanding is that ufs-discuss is the right place to 
talk about generic file system issues.

As I was scanning through old threads, I found this one.  Are there plans to 
create a "file system code" list/community?  Is the ufs-discuss alias still the 
right place at present to discuss VFS-level changes?


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