Dai Ngo wrote:
>> I have just updated them to 1024000 (on both client and server).
>> henrik at opensolaris:/# ptime cp /tmpfs/testfile_5g  /nfs
>> real     1:17.571581221
>> user        0.016147465
>> sys        13.271892825
>> That gives ~66 mb/s.
>If I read your previous mail correctly, then you got 170 MB/s with
>the previous TCP window setting (400000) and with 1024000 you
>got 66 MB/s?

No - the obtained speed was dependend on the actual operation with 170
mb/s beeing the most I ever could get through over a single TCP

TCP window set to 400000 :
A simple cp yields ~50 mb/s. 
A simple mv yields ~86 mb/s

TCP window set to 1024000 :
A simple cp yields ~82 mb/s
A simple mv yields ~86 mb/s

Read speeds are higher, ~220 mb/s on average.

I am getting the feeling that this is not network related.

FTP pushes 620 mb/s which is as fast as local write speed and iperf
reports ~6.3 Gbit/s on average.

Debugging nfsd has not been fruitfull as most operations seem to take
place inside the kernel - unfortunatly my dtrace magic is not very

>> - the most I have been able to write via NFS is 170 mb/s.
>Something is wrong with this picture.
>I'd ask again, how did you make sure the new setting takes effect on both
>client & server system?

Client : 
henrik at opensolaris:~# ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_recv_hiwat; ndd -get
/dev/tcp tcp_xmit_hiwat

Server : 
henrik at naz01:~#  ndd -get /dev/tcp tcp_recv_hiwat; ndd -get /dev/tcp

Iperf detects this as well : 
TCP window size: 1000 KByte (default)


Med venlig hilsen / Best Regards

Henrik Johansen

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