But this is concerning reads not writes.


On Oct 20, 2009, at 4:43 PM, Trevor Pretty <trevor_pretty at eagle.co.nz>  

> Gary
> Where you measuring the Linux NFS write performance? It's well know  
> that Linux can use NFS in a very "unsafe" mode and report the write  
> complete when it is not all the way to safe storage. This is often  
> reported as Solaris has slow NFS write performance. This link does  
> not mention NFS v4 but you might want to check. http://nfs.sourceforge.net/
> What's the write performance like between the two OpenSolaris systems?
> Richard Elling wrote:
>> cross-posting to nfs-discuss
>> On Oct 20, 2009, at 10:35 AM, Gary Gogick wrote:
>>> Heya all,
>>> I'm working on testing ZFS with NFS, and I could use some guidance -
>>> read speeds are a bit less than I expected.
>>> Over a gig-e line, we're seeing ~30 MB/s reads on average - doesn't
>>> seem to matter if we're doing large numbers of small files or small
>>> numbers of large files, the speed seems to top out there.  We've
>>> disabled pre-fetching, which may be having some affect on read
>>> speads, but proved necessary due to severe performance issues on
>>> database reads with it enabled.  (Reading from the DB with pre-
>>> fetching enabled was taking 4-5 times as long than with it  
>>> disabled.)
>> What is the performance when reading locally (eliminate NFS from the
>> equation)?
>>   -- richard
>>> Write speed seems to be fine.  Testing is showing ~95 MB/s, which
>>> seems pretty decent considering there's been no real network tuning
>>> done.
>>> The NFS server we're testing is a Sun x4500, configured with a
>>> storage pool consisting of 20x 2-disk mirrors, using separate SSD
>>> for logging.  It's running the latest version of Nexenta Core.
>>> (We've also got a second x4500 in with a raidZ2 config, running
>>> OpenSolaris proper, showing the same issues with reads.)
>>> We're using NFS v4 via TCP, serving various Linux clients (the
>>> majority are  CentOS 5.3).  Connectivity is presently provided by a
>>> single gigabit ethernet link; entirely conventional configuration
>>> (no jumbo frames/etc).
>>> Our workload is pretty read heavy; we're serving both website assets
>>> and databases via NFS.  The majority of files being served are small
>>> (< 1MB).  The databases are MySQL/InnoDB, with the data in separate
>>> zfs filesystems with a record size of 16k.  The website assets/etc.
>>> are in zfs filesystems with the default record size.  On the
>>> database server side of things, we've disabled InnoDB's double write
>>> buffer.
>>> I'm wondering if there's any other tuning that'd be a good idea for
>>> ZFS in this situation, or if there's some NFS tuning that should be
>>> done when dealing specifically with ZFS.  Any advice would be
>>> greatly appreciated.
>>> Thanks,
>>> -- 
>>> --- 
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>>> --- 
>>> --- 
>>> --- 
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Gary Gogick
>>> senior systems administrator  |  workhabit,inc.
>>> // email: gary at workhabit.com  |  web: http://www.workhabit.com
>>> // office: 866-workhabit  | fax: 919-552-9690
>>> --- 
>>> --- 
>>> --- 
>>> --- 
>>> --- 
>>> --- 
>>> --- 
>>> --- 
>>> --- 
>>> --- 
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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