On 01/18/2010 07:50 PM, Tom Haynes wrote:
> CD wrote:
>> On 01/18/2010 06:36 PM, Tom Haynes wrote:
>>> CD wrote:
>>>> Greetings.
>>>> I've go two pools, but can only access one of them from my 
>>>> linux-machine. Both pools got the same settings and acl.
>>>> Both pools has sharenfs=on. Also, every filesystem got 
>>>> aclinherit=passthrough
>>>> tank  sharenfs  on        local
>>>> bitbox  sharenfs  on        local
>>> Does 'zfs list' show bitbox to be at the root of the server's 
>>> namespace?
>>> # zfs list -o name,sharenfs,mountpoint
>> NAME                     SHARENFS  MOUNTPOINT
>> bitbox                   on        /bitbox
>> bitbox/fs0          on        /bitbox/fs0
>> bitbox/fs1               on        /bitbox/fs1
>> rpool                    off       /rpool
>> rpool/ROOT               off       legacy
>> rpool/ROOT/opensolaris   off       /
>> rpool/ROOT/xvm           off       /mnt/xvm
>> rpool/ROOT/xvm-1         off       /mnt/xvm1
>> rpool/dump               -         -
>> rpool/export             off       /export
>> rpool/export/home        off       /export/home
>> rpool/swap               -         -
>> tank                     on        /tank
>> tank/fs0   on        /tank/fs0
>> tank/fs1               on        /tank/fs2
> Hmm, tank/fs1 is mounted on /tank/fs2. Do you also have
> a /tank/fs1? I.e., the shares down below don't match
> the paths.
> This shouldn't be the problem you are seeing...

I must apologize; I edited the oputput to make it simpler, and made a 
typo. The fs0 and fs1 are just placeholders. The original output looks okay.

>>> What does share show as the active shares?
>>> # share
>> - at tank          /tank   rw   ""
>> - at tank          /tank/fs0   rw   ""
>> - at tank          /tank/fs1   rw   ""
>> f...@tank/fs0     /tank/fs0   rw   ""
>> f...@tank/fs1   /tank/fs1   rw   ""
>>> If you don't see bitbox here, it will be a problem.
>> Seems I've got a problem ^^
>> But what? Aren't the filesystem handling the sharing?
> Yes, they should be. I'm adding zfs-discuss to see what further 
> triaging will help.

Great, thanks.

>> I've got samba shares active for most of my filesystems - can this be 
>> a problem?
>>>> Same ACL:
>>>> /bitbox
>>>> drwxr--r--+ 25 root     sa            25 Dec 18 12:43 folder0
>>>>                group:sa:rwxpdDaARWcCos:-------:allow
>>>>                  owner@:rwxpdDaARWcCos:-------:allow
>>>>               everyone@:r-----a-R-c---:-------:allow
>>>> drwxr--r--+  3 root     sa             3 Jun  1  2009 folder1
>>>>                group:sa:rwxpdDaARWcCos:-------:allow
>>>>                  owner@:rwxpdDaARWcCos:-------:allow
>>>>               everyone@:r-----a-R-c---:-------:allow
>>>> /tank
>>>> drwxr--r--+  4 root     root           4 Sep  9 15:47 folder0
>>>>                group:sa:rwxpdDaARWcCos:-------:allow
>>>>                  owner@:rwxpdDaARWcCos:-------:allow
>>>>               everyone@:r-----a-R-c---:-------:allow
>>>> drwxr--r--+  7 root     sa             9 May 19  2009 folder1
>>>>                group:sa:rwxpdDaARWcCos:-------:allow
>>>>                  owner@:rwxpdDaARWcCos:-------:allow
>>>>               everyone@:r-----a-R-c---:-------:allow
>>>> Yet, when I mount the nfs, only 'tank' is listed:
>>>> mount -t nfs4 srv:/ /mnt/server
>>>> If I try to mount the pools separately:
>>>> $ sudo mount -t nfs4 srv:/tank /mnt/tank/ --work perfectly
>>>> $ sudo mount -t nfs4 srv:/bitbox /mnt/bitbox --gives error:
>>>> mount.nfs4: mounting srv:/bitbox failed, reason given by server:
>>>>   No such file or directory
>>> What if you try a v3 mount?
>> I assmume the prefix "-t nfs" equls v3? I get:
>> mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting srv:/bitbox
> You don't need "-t nfs", just dropping the -t option will work.
> But the fact that we don't see a share means we do not
> expect to get access here.

The /etc/dfs/sharetab only contains /tank entires, even though I've got 
both nfs and smb shares in the /bitbox pool... Not sure why.

>>>> I don't get it!
>>>> Also, where are the config files, such as the /etc/export?
>>> If this were non-zfs, you'd want to look in /etc/dfs. But since this 
>>> is zfs, the share
>>> (i.e., export) is in the sharenfs property of the filesystem.
>>>> Thanks!
>> Thanks for replying.

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