David P. Quigley wrote:
> Roll Call:  
> Dave Quigley and Stephen Smalley / NSA
> Jarrett Lu/Oracle
> Peter Staubach & James Morris/Red Hat
> Paul Moore / HP
> Matthew Dodd / SPARTA
> Spencer Shimko / Tresys
> IETF Note Well Agreement:
>   This is a reminder that our discussions are governed by the 
>   IETF Note Well Agreement. See:
>     http://www.ietf.org/NOTEWELL.html
>   We will start each week's meeting with this announcement.
> Q&A Session concerning existing Labeled NFS documents:
> - Jarrett asked if there were updated documents.
> - Dave noted that updated documents are WIP.
> - Jarrett suggested contacting Joy Latten about Labeled IPSEC and
> developing
>   a common label format specification.
> - Dave summarized current lnfs specification.
> Review Impact Study:
> Dave summarizes:
> - Impact and Scope sections near complete.
> - Need to flesh out use cases.
> 1. Full mode, MAC consistency, especially user home directories.
> 2. MAC for virtual machine images stored on network.
> 3. Simple security label storage (client-focused).
> 4. Regulatory Compliance.
> Spencer/Tresys:
> - High performance computing w/ cluster and NFS filesystems.
> - Specific reqs to labeled security.
> - Becoming more evident in corporate world for regulatory compliance.
> James/Red Hat:
> - Corporate partners have flagged LNFS as a requirement.
> - OEMs are stating requirements for security enabling of products.
> Dave/NSA:
> - EMC on the fence, need more demonstration of real demand for this
> technology.

If you can pass along the name of the contact at EMC I will see
what I can do.

> Peter/Red Hat:
> - Linux NFSv4 server rarely used in the enterprise.
> - NetApp or EMC must support for corporate acceptance - major storage
> vendors.
> Dave/NSA:
> - NetApp expressed that if support this functionality they would like to
> provide some sort of MAC enforcement. If the module is SELinux like it
> would require a BSD or similar port of SELinux to be made viable again.
> James/Red Hat:  They should just start with dumb server model.
> Dave/NSA:   Agree, just storage initially, full MAC model can follow.
> Peter/Red Hat:  Asked for copies of impact study.
> Dave/NSA:  Should be released publically soon after prepub approval.
> Dave/NSA:  Need people to participate in review and writing sections.
> Peter/Red Hat: Management supports moving Labeled NFSv4 forward.  Wants
> it
> to progress together with James' xattr support for NFSv3.
> James/Red Hat:  NFSv4 solution must also move forward;  out-of-band
> NFSv3 solution may discourage standardization of solution for NFSv4.
> James will continue to work on documents as well as NFSv3 xattr process.
> James/Red Hat and Dave/NSA:  Private namespace for storage on dumb
> server?  Possibly use system namespace on server?  No server
> interpretation?  Configurable mapping in exports table?  Allows server
> to be unaffected by labels set by clients even if server is running a
> MAC model.
> Matt/SPARTA:  Server will always just provide label, no namespace
> conflict between client and server.
> James/Red Hat:  Clarifies that purpose of NFSv3 xattr work is to provide
> a stopgap solution until NFSv4 work can achieve standardization and
> deployment as well as to support legacy usage of NFSv3.
> Peter/Red Hat:  nfsroot should be included as a use case.
> James/Red Hat:  build servers could use local NFS mounts to support dumb
> storage?
> Dave/NSA:
> - Investigate more details for use cases, summarize and submit to Dave.
> - Impact and label format specifier documents will be prepub'd and
> released ASAP.
> - After release, review and comment.
> - Labeled format specifier:  split next telecon 50/50.
> Action Items:
> - Release impact document.
> - Release label format specification document.
> - Upload updated requirements and specification documents to IETF
> website.
> - Invite the labeled ipsec people to next meeting.
> Agenda items for the next meeting:
> - Review and incorporate suggested changes to the impact document
> - Discuss label format in the protocol / on the wire.
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