I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue with an NFS server that became
unavailable due to what I believe to be an I/O issue. There were some ZFS
snapshots being deleted which seems to have put the system into a bad state.
The strange thing is that after about 12 hours, mountd started to reject
client connections with the message from the subject, and I saw these in

Feb 21 12:50:34 nas mountd[28963]: [ID 770583 daemon.error] home207
denied access to /volumes/zpool/user
Feb 21 12:50:34 nas mountd[28963]: [ID 770583 daemon.error] home219
denied access to /volumes/zpool/user
Feb 21 12:50:34 nas mountd[28963]: [ID 770583 daemon.error] home219
denied access to /volumes/zpool/user
Feb 21 12:50:34 nas mountd[28963]: [ID 770583 daemon.error] home207
denied access to /volumes/zpool/user
...continues on for thousands of lines...

I come here searching for enlightenment on how the NFS server could have
gotten into this state.

Thanks for any insight you may be able to provide on this issue.


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