Hello Jan,
This is a 2009.06 snv_111b X86

and the exported filesystem..
/datapool/dumps/archive -       nfs     

So it's exported as read-only to everything but shotgun.lab.example.com, the 
read-write client isn't seem to be having any problems.

>Also output of '::stack' and '::status' mdb commands on core dump
>could help.

root at fortress:/# mdb core.mountd.1268185359
Loading modules: [ ld.so.1 ]
> ::stack
in_access_list+0x69(fe99eadc, 0, 80cdf56, 0)
check_client_new+0xd3(80e79b8, fe99eadc, 0, 1)
nfsauth_access+0x13a(fe99ed34, fe99ed20, 44, 1)
nfsauth_func+0x9c(0, fe99edbc, 44, 0, 0, 805847c)
> ::status
debugging core file of mountd (32-bit) from fortress
file: /usr/lib/nfs/mountd
initial argv: /usr/lib/nfs/mountd
threading model: native threads
status: process terminated by SIGSEGV (Segmentation Fault), addr=0
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