On 8/26/17 6:00 AM, William Allen Simpson wrote:
On 8/26/17 1:11 AM, Malahal Naineni wrote:
Hi Bill and Frank, I tried pynfs with the latest V2.6, WRT14 fails for me. It 
passed with dev-2 and failed with dev-3. The only commit that is suspect at 
this point is c29114162bb553270835c8d51d4184ce8bb1ab32

Can someone verify if WRT14 (st_write.testLargeWrite) passes for them? Do we 
run pynfs as part of our CI tests? Looks like not!

We run pynfs in the CEA-HPC CI.

Locally, I run pynfs on every patch.  WRT14 passes here.

Today's test of a couple of ntirpc patches from a couple of weeks ago:

WRT1     st_write.testSimpleWrite                                 : PASS
WRT1b    st_write.testSimpleWrite2                                : PASS
WRT2     st_write.testStateidOne                                  : PASS
WRT3     st_write.testWithOpen                                    : PASS
WRT4     st_write.testNoData                                      : PASS
WRT5     st_write.testLargeData                                   : PASS
WRT6a    st_write.testLink                                        : PASS
WRT6b    st_write.testBlock                                       : PASS
WRT6c    st_write.testChar                                        : PASS
WRT6d    st_write.testDir                                         : PASS
WRT6f    st_write.testFifo                                        : PASS
WRT6s    st_write.testSocket                                      : PASS
WRT7     st_write.testNoFh                                        : PASS
WRT8     st_write.testOpenMode                                    : PASS
WRT9     st_write.testShareDeny                                   : PASS
WRT11    st_write.testStaleStateid                                : PASS
WRT12    st_write.testOldStateid                                  : PASS
WRT13    st_write.testDoubleWrite                                 : PASS
WRT14    st_write.testLargeWrite                                  : PASS
WRT15    st_write.testSizes                                       : PASS
WRT18    st_write.testChangeGranularityWrite                      : FAILURE
           consecutive SETATTR(mode)'s don't all change change
WRT19    st_write.testStolenStateid                               : PASS
Command line asked for 584 of 668 tests
Of those: 10 Skipped, 2 Failed, 2 Warned, 570 Passed

So you'll need to provide more details about what's not working for you.

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