
I'm writing an Nginx module that uses information stored in memory to redirect 
requests to other servers. Basically when a GET requests arrives, it makes some 
checks and decides to which Location the requests shall be redirected. In order 
to have Nginx update the information it holds in memory, I send him a specific 
POST request to trigger it.

However, reloading information takes quite a lot of time and I have some 
questions related with this:
- while the POST request is handled in my module, the worker that took the 
request is blocked until it has finished processing, but if GET requests come 
in, are they handled by other workers or can I have some GET requests getting 
blocked ?
- if I want the processing not to block, can I use an event timer, in order to 
release the worker quickly and have the processing take place "in background" ? 
Or will it block a worker anyway ?


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