It's "trailer support" for the web serving part of NGINX, just not proxying.

      - the "get" in "ngx_http_chunked_get_trailers" is sort of misleading.
The "get" here actually
        means "generate". I thought you are looking for a existing buffer.
That function name got changed a few times, since I cannot find one
that I would be 100% happy with... Any suggestions?
I hope you don't call me "make fuss about nothing":-). Being an impatient code reader, I usually take a glimpse the code by reading comment and/or function, and imagine
what it tries to do, and stitch them together into a big picture.

the verb "get" did confuse me yesterday and this morning when I took a quick look.
I would say "create" or "generate" (or something else) would be better.

Anyway, naming is not big deal, maybe I (and other impatient code reader) need change:-)

   Now go back to the long list of trailer support,  I believe it needs to
cover at least:
     1) generate trailer headers and sent to downstream/visitor as you just
     2) reverse proxy propagate trailer headers from upstream, which needs
         2.0 parse the incoming trailer header, both considering the body is
buffered and not buffered,
         2.1. make the incoming trailer accessible via variable after content
         2.2. if response body is is not buffered, combine incoming trailer
header with the generated headers.
         2.3. convert incoming trailer to regular header if response body is

    3|4|..|n) other features.

    I think 2.x is much harder than 1). I only implement 1) and 2.0) and
2.1). While implement 2.1), I left some
room for 2.2 and 2.3 for the future. Now that you have plan for 2.x as your
email suggests, wouldn't it
be nice to submit these code first, and then go ahead with the code of 1). I
believe to support 2.2 or 2.3,
your existing code in chunk module needs lots of change.
I don't see how anything you listed in 2.x would require modifications
to the code I submitted... Actually, everything you listed should be
handled in upstream and/or proxy modules, not chunking module, and it
could easily use the API (r->headers_out.trailers) I want to add in
this commit.

How do you manage to tackle this scenario without changing your existing code:

backend server responses with trailer "lol = 123", and you define the same trailer, "lol = $haha" in *.conf. You have two options as to how to combine them: either override the one from origin, and override the one from your *.conf. It seems to me that the
chunk-module is again a best place for such change.

Best Regards

Best regards,
Piotr Sikora

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