On 18.04.2023 02:54, Maxim Dounin wrote:

On Tue, Apr 18, 2023 at 02:07:06AM +0300, Vadim Fedorenko via nginx-devel wrote:

GCC version 11 and newer use more aggressive way to eliminate dead stores
which ends up removing ngx_memzero() calls in several places. Such optimization
affects calculations of md5 and sha1 implemented internally in nginx. The
effect could be easily observed by adding a random data to buffer array in
md5_init() or sha1_init() functions. With this simple modifications the result
of the hash computation will be different each time even though the provided
data to hash is not changed.

If calculations of md5 and sha1 are affected, this means that the
stores in question are not dead, and they shouldn't be eliminated
in the first place.  From your description this looks like a bug
in the compiler in question.

Yeah, these ngx_memzero()s must not be dead, but according to the standart they
are. In md5_final() the function is called this way: ngx_memzero(&ctx->buffer[used], free - 8);
That means that a new variable of type 'char *' is created with the life time
scoped to the call to ngx_memzero(). As the result of of the function is ignored explicitly, no other parameters are passed by pointer, and the variable is not accessed anywhere else, the whole call can be optimized out.

Alternatively, this can be a bug in nginx code which makes the
compiler think that it can eliminate these ngx_memzero() calls - for
example, GCC is known to do such things if it sees an undefined
behaviour in the code.

There is no undefined behavior unfortunately, everything in this place is well defined.

You may want to elaborate more on how to reproduce this, and, if
possible, how to build a minimal test case which demonstrates the

Sure, let's elaborate a bit. To reproduce the bug you can simply apply the diff:

diff --git a/src/core/ngx_md5.c b/src/core/ngx_md5.c
index c25d0025d..67cc06438 100644
--- a/src/core/ngx_md5.c
+++ b/src/core/ngx_md5.c
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ ngx_md5_init(ngx_md5_t *ctx)
     ctx->d = 0x10325476;

     ctx->bytes = 0;
+    getrandom(ctx->buffer, 64, 0);

This code will emulate the garbage for the stack-allocated 'ngx_md5_t md5;' in ngx_http_file_cache_create_key when nginx is running under the load. Then you can use simple configuration:

upstream test_001_origin {

proxy_cache_path /var/cache/nginx/test-001 keys_zone=test_001:10m max_size=5g inactive=24h levels=1:2 use_temp_path=off;

server {

  location = /plain {
    return 200;


server {

  location /oplain {
     proxy_cache test_001;
     proxy_cache_key /oplain;
     proxy_pass http://test_001_origin/plain/;

Every time you call 'curl' a new cache file will be created, but the md5sum of the file will be the same, meaining that the key stored in the file is absolutely the same.

Changing the code to use current implementation
of ngx_explicit_memzero() doesn't help because of link-time optimizations
enabled in RHEL 9 and derivatives. Glibc 2.34 found in RHEL 9 provides
explicit_bzero() function which should be used to avoid such optimization.
ngx_explicit_memzero() is changed to use explicit_bzero() if possible.

The ngx_explicit_memzero() function is to be used when zeroed data
are indeed not used afterwards, for example, to make sure
passwords are actually eliminated from memory.  It shouldn't be
used instead of a real ngx_memzero() call - doing so might hide
the problem, which is either in the compiler or in nginx, but
won't fix it.

In this case the nginx code should be fixed to avoid partial memory fillings, but such change will come with performance penalty, especially on the CPUs without proper `REP MOVSB/MOVSD/MOVSQ` implementation. Controlled usage of explicit zeroing is much better is this case.

As for using explicit_bzero() for it, we've looked into various
OS-specific solutions, though there are too many variants out
there, so it was decided that having our own simple implementation
is a better way to go.  If it doesn't work in the particular
setup, it might make sense to adjust our implementation - but
given the above, it might be the same issue which causes the
original problem.

Unfortunately, the memory barrier trick is not working anymore for linker-time optimizations. Linker has better information about whether the stored information is used again or not. And it will remove memset in such implementation, and it will definitely affected security-related code you mentioned above. explicit_bzero() function is available in well-loved *BSD systems now and is a proper way to do cleaning of the artifacts, doesn't matter which implementation is used in the specific system.
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