>The nginx config you showed is not the one that the running nginx is
>using when it created this log file.

I've pasted a working vhost configuration file and pasted an error on an
other configuration file but they are identical except for document root
and domain. To create this file I've used 'cp' and modified it.

When a request comes in to nginx, it chooses exactly one server{} block
to handle it. That server{} block is chosen based firstly on the incoming
ip:port; and then secondly on the incoming host name used in the request.

Looking at your config file, plus every file include'd in it, can you
see which one server{} block is used for this request? (You'll need
to look at all of the "listen" directives first, and then all of the
"server_name" directives in the server{}s with the "listen" that best
matches the incoming ip:port.)

What fastcgi_pass line is used in that one server{} block?

I've do a grep -R 'listen' /etc/nginx/conf.d/ and every vhost configuration file have two lines, exactly the same:

        listen      80;
        listen      443 ssl;

In the past, to be sure to don't make mistake I copied an old vhost configuration file and I modified it every times for a new website. So you'll see this kind of line:

        server_name     subdomain.koshie.fr www.subdomain.koshie.fr;

Some of these vhost are different but that's because they need regex for some stuff.

Finally, for fastcgi_pass, I've only tested my configuration and pasted here data with the vhosts containing the value pasted in the first mail: fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;

I've for now a lot of domain with my old configuration value, listening on the network if I don't say rubish (and as you say before).

I'm sorry but I'm not sure to understand why you are asking me to do and I given you what I can. If I miss something can you point me on the good way please?

Good night, Koshie

Sorry for my english, I'm trying the best in each e-mail writing. Tell me if I'm not clear enough. This mail account is only for list reading, to contact me send an e-mail at kevingasp...@koshie.fr

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