Also i tried adding the address to the try_files:

try_files $uri $uri @app/de/; and try_files $uri $uri @app/de;

but that didn't work either.

The way i managed to provide translated content, was using a rewrite inside
of my location block: rewrite  ^(.*)$  /my-language/$1  break;

That solves part of my problem.

The core basic of my problem is  "Rewrite the URL based on the "server

So far the only options i see on nginx are:

1. Have a configuration with one "if" and one "rewrite" in order to map
server name to path

2. Multiple server declarations sharing the same configuration ( probably
using some sort of include? )

What you reckon? Any suggestion ?

On 5 May 2013 02:21, henrique matias <> wrote:

> My first try was to change my location / { } to proxy pass to another
> language, so i could try "the backend" as you said, but it actually didn't
> work, i got:
> [emerg] "proxy_pass" cannot have URI part in location given by regular
> expression, or inside named location, or inside "if" statement, or inside
> "limit_except" block in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:79
> my nginx version is 1.3.15.
> will keep trying, if someone knows how to work this around, would be cool,
> i guess this happens quite often :P
> [s]
> On 4 May 2013 22:48, Francis Daly <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 29, 2013 at 10:02:35PM +0100, henrique matias wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> > Am having trouble setting up my nginx.config to transparently proxy the
>> > subdomains and domains to the same app, but with different "path
>> > components" appended to the $uri
>> Frequently, the main problem is that the back-end application makes it
>> very hard to do this.
>> I suggest you test first using a separate server{} block for one
>> server_name and demonstrate to yourself that it can work.
>> After that, you can worry about the details of how to auto-handle the
>> extra domains.
>> Something like (untested):
>>   server {
>>     server_name;
>>     location / {
>>       proxy_pass http://app_server/it/;
>>     }
>>   }
>> maybe with "proxy_set_header Host;", or whatever your
>> application needs.
>> The important things to check are, do links in the returned content work
>> when the browser asks for "/dir/" but the app_server gets a request for
>> "/it/dir/"?
>> The above is *almost* the same as what you have here:
>> > This is my last unsuccessful attempt:
>> but there's an extra "/" in the proxy_pass line; and as you've not said
>> in what way yours was unsuccessful, it's hard to suggest a specific fix.
>> Compare the output of "curl -i";
>> with the output of "curl -i";, and with
>> what you expect the output to be.
>>         f
>> --
>> Francis Daly
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