Thanks for programming 101.
I'll keep your advice when my goal will be optimizing my current work,
which is not currently the case.
I do not simply want something to work here. I am fully capable of finding
workarounds whenever I need/want them.
I'll leave the 'I do not care how it works as long as it works' motto to
business-related goals ;o)

I need to understand the PHP/Nginx communication. And having searched for
it on the Web showed me a lot of unsatisfaying/dirty workarounds, no real
 If anyone could enlighten me on those Nginx timeouts, I'd be more than
*B. R.*

On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 10:44 PM, Steve Holdoway <>wrote:

> OK, I leave you to it.
> However, asynchronously spawning subprocesses *will* allow you to
> parallelise the process. I'd call it design, rather than a workaround,
> but there you go (:
> Steve
> On Sun, 2013-05-26 at 22:38 -0400, B.R. wrote:
> > One way or another, even if an external script is called, PHP will
> > need to wait for the scripts completion, making the parallelization
> > impossible or at least useless (since, to wait for a return code of an
> > external script is still blocking).
> >
> >
> > I am not trying to find a workaround, I need to know how the
> > fastcgi_reload_timeout works (if I understood it properly), if I
> > properly disabled PHP buffering for my example case and how eventually
> > to control those timeouts.
> >
> > I'd like to address the central problem here, not closing my eyes on
> > it.
> >
> >
> > ---
> > B. R.
> >
> >
> > On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 10:24 PM, Steve Holdoway
> > <> wrote:
> >         Surely, you're still serialising the transfer with a loop?
> >
> >         On Sun, 2013-05-26 at 22:11 -0400, B.R. wrote:
> >         > Thanks for your answer.
> >         >
> >         > I didn't go into specifics because my problem doesn't rely
> >         at the
> >         > application-level logic.
> >         >
> >         > What you describe is what my script does already.
> >         >
> >         >
> >         > However in this particular case I have 16 files weighting
> >         each a few
> >         > MB which need to be transfered back at once.
> >         >
> >         >
> >         > PHP allocates 30s for each loop turn (far enough to copy the
> >         file +
> >         > echo some output message about successes/failed completion).
> >         >
> >         > Nginx cuts the execution avec fastcgi_read_timeout time even
> >         with my
> >         > efforts to cut down any buffering on PHP side (thus forcing
> >         the output
> >         > to be sent to Nginx to reinitialize the timeout counter).
> >         >
> >         > That Nginx action is the center of my attention right now.
> >         How can I
> >         > get read of it in a scalable fashion (ie no
> >         fastcgi_read_time =
> >         > 9999999) ?
> >         > ---
> >         > B. R.
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         > On Sun, May 26, 2013 at 9:46 PM, Steve Holdoway
> >         > <> wrote:
> >         >         Write a script that lists the remote files, then
> >         checks for
> >         >         the
> >         >         existence of the file locally, and copy it if it
> >         doesn't
> >         >         exist? That way
> >         >         no internal loop is used - use a different exit code
> >         to note
> >         >         whether
> >         >         there was one copied, or there were none ready.
> >         >
> >         >         That way you scale for a single file transfer.
> >         There's nothing
> >         >         to be
> >         >         gained from looping internally - well
> >         performance-wise that
> >         >         is.
> >         >
> >         >         Steve
> >         >
> >         >         On Sun, 2013-05-26 at 21:31 -0400, B.R. wrote:
> >         >         > No ideas?
> >         >         >
> >         >         > ---
> >         >         > B. R.
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >         > On Sat, May 25, 2013 at 1:01 PM, B.R.
> >         >         <> wrote:
> >         >         >         Hello,
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         I am trying to understand how
> >         fastcgi_read_timout
> >         >         works in
> >         >         >         Nginx.
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         Here is what I wanna do:
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         I list files (few MB each) on a distant
> >         place which
> >         >         I copy one
> >         >         >         by one (loop) on the local disk through
> >         PHP.
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         I do not know the amount of files I need
> >         to copy,
> >         >         thus I do
> >         >         >         not know the total amount of time I need
> >         for the
> >         >         script to
> >         >         >         finish its execution. What I know is that
> >         I can
> >         >         ensure is a
> >         >         >         processing time limit per file.
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         I would like my script not to be
> >         forcefully
> >         >         interrupted by
> >         >         >         either sides (PHP or Nginx) before
> >         completion.
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         What I did so far:
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         - PHP has a 'max_execution_time' of 30s
> >         (default?).
> >         >         In the
> >         >         >         loop copying files, I use the
> >         set_time_limit()
> >         >         procedure to
> >         >         >         reinitialize the limit before each file
> >         copy, hence
> >         >         each file
> >         >         >         processing has 30s to go: way enough!
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         - The problem seems to lie on the Nginx
> >         side, with
> >         >         the
> >         >         >         'fastcgi_read_timeout' configuration
> >         entry.
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         I can't ensure what maximum time I need,
> >         and I would
> >         >         like not
> >         >         >         to use way-off values such as 2 weeks or 1
> >         year
> >         >         there. ;o)
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         What I understood from the documentation
> >         is that the
> >         >         timeout
> >         >         >         is reinitialized after a successful read:
> >         am I
> >         >         right?
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         The challenge is now to cut any buffering
> >         occurring
> >         >         on the PHP
> >         >         >         side and let Nginx manage it (since the
> >         buffering
> >         >         will occur
> >         >         >         after content is being read from the
> >         backend). Here
> >         >         is what I
> >         >         >         did:
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         * PHP's zlib.output_compression is
> >         deactivated by
> >         >         default in
> >         >         >         PHP
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         * I deactivated PHP's output_buffering
> >         (default is
> >         >         4096 bytes)
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         * I am using the PHP flush() procedure at
> >         the end of
> >         >         each
> >         >         >         iteration of the copying loop, after a
> >         message is
> >         >         written to
> >         >         >         the output
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         Current state:
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         * The script seems to still be cut after
> >         the
> >         >         expiration of the
> >         >         >         'fastcgi_read_timout' limit (confirmed by
> >         the error
> >         >         log entry
> >         >         >         'upstream timed out (110: Connection timed
> >         out)
> >         >         while reading
> >         >         >         upstream')
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         * The PHP loop is entered several times
> >         since
> >         >         multiple files
> >         >         >         have been copied
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         * The output sent to the browser is cut
> >         before any
> >         >         output from
> >         >         >         the loop appears
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         It seems that there is still some unwanted
> >         buffering
> >         >         on the
> >         >         >         PHP side.
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         I also note that the PHP's flush()
> >         procedure doesn't
> >         >         seem to
> >         >         >         work since the output in the browser
> >         doesn't contain
> >         >         any
> >         >         >         message written after eahc file copy.
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         Am I misunderstanding something about
> >         Nginx here
> >         >         (especially
> >         >         >         about the 'fastcgi_read_timeout'
> >         directive)?
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         Have you any intel/piece of advice on hte
> >         matter?
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         Thanks,
> >         >         >
> >         >         >         ---
> >         >         >         B. R.
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >
> >         >         > _______________________________________________
> >         >         > nginx mailing list
> >         >         >
> >         >         >
> >         >
> >         >         --
> >         >         Steve Holdoway BSc(Hons) MNZCS
> >         <>
> >         >
> >         >         MSN:
> >         >         Skype: sholdowa
> >         >
> >         >         _______________________________________________
> >         >         nginx mailing list
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         >
> >         > _______________________________________________
> >         > nginx mailing list
> >         >
> >         >
> >
> >         --
> >         Steve Holdoway BSc(Hons) MNZCS <>
> >
> >         MSN:
> >         Skype: sholdowa
> >
> >         _______________________________________________
> >         nginx mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > nginx mailing list
> >
> >
> --
> Steve Holdoway BSc(Hons) MNZCS <>
> MSN:
> Skype: sholdowa
> _______________________________________________
> nginx mailing list
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