On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 12:14:09PM -0400, mafious wrote:

Hi there,

> Depending of the url, I forward to the proper backend:
> location /<myApp> {
>   proxy_pass http://<myApp>_cluster;
> }
> But via the proxy, the web page of my application is not correctly render.
> The path to load images files is incorrect and point to the default root
> document location.

I'm not exactly sure what you are reporting.

Is it that your application writes links like "/images/image.png" instead
of "/myapp/images/image.png"? (In which case: fix your application.)

Or is it that your application writes links like "/myapp/images/image.png"
and you want the load balancer to serve them from somewhere else? (In
which case: fix your load-balancer config.)

Or is it something else?

The more specific you are with reports like "I do this, I see this,
I expect to see this", the more chance that someone will be able to help.

Good luck,

Francis Daly        fran...@daoine.org

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