On 2013-12-07 15:31, B.R. wrote:

On Sat, Dec 7, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Ian Evans <ianev...@digitalhit.com
[1]> wrote:

Thanks. Ill give this a spin. Is there anyway to still trigger the
mapping based on the existence of a maintenance.whatever file? Just
thinking of the ease of quickly touching the maintenance file to
trigger the mapping as opposed to fiddling with the conf and
reloading each time you want to do some quick testing.

By giving it 30 seconds of intensive thinking, I am sure you could
figure this out by yourself, considering you already provided the if
(-f ***) {...} trick.

Since the
http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_rewrite_module.html#if [2]if
directive works in server blocks, you could enclose the rewrite rule
in it to only apply maintenance mode based on the presence (or the
absence?) of a specific file.

Sorry...too many late nights during this migration/upgrade. So I can just place the "rewrite ^.*$ $target" into my 'if'. I'll give it a whirl as soon as I get some caffeine. :-)

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