On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 12:09:57PM +0100, Daniel Lintott wrote:

Hi there,

> The script is at:
>       http://alpha.serverb.co.uk/debian/parser.php/gns-3

http://alpha.serverb.co.uk/debian/parser.php/gns-3 and
http://alpha.serverb.co.uk/debian/parser.php/gns-3/ are different urls,
especially when it comes to resolving relative links.

What is the response you get to a "curl -v" request for the nginx url
and the equivalent apache url?

I suspect that your apache is configured to issue a redirect and your
nginx is not.

Copy-paste the first 20 lines of the responses, if the fix is not clear.

Francis Daly        fran...@daoine.org

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