On Thu, Nov 06, 2014 at 04:47:28PM -0500, nrahl wrote:

Hi there,

> With debug logging on, I ahve confirmed it is matching the correct location.

Do you also see the subrequest that accesses a different location that
has its own configration?

> With:
> location ^~ /Public {
>       satisfy any;
>       allow all;
>       auth_basic off;
>       try_files fake.html @apache;
> }
> It matched the  /Public location and I get: "no user/password was provided
> for basic authentication" durring the access phase.

Is that only if the file fake.html does not exist, so there is a new
request to the location @apache which does require authentication?

Or do you get unexpected output when the request is only handled in
this location?

> With:
> location ^~ /Public {
>       auth_basic off;
>       try_files fake.html @apache;
> }

> access forbidden by rule, client: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, server: www.myserver.com,
> request: "GET /Public/ HTTP/1.1", host: "www.myserver.com".

You have denied access by ip address here, so 403 is the expected
response, no?

You may have more success if you can describe what response you expect,
and provide a complete (small) server{} configuration that demonstrates
the unwanted behaviour that you see.

Francis Daly        fran...@daoine.org

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