On Friday 04 March 2016 08:25:43 vizl wrote:
> user www;
> worker_processes 16;
> thread_pool default threads=128 max_queue=1024;
> worker_rlimit_nofile 65536;
> ###timer_resolution 100ms;
> #error_log /home/logs/error_log.nginx error;
> error_log /home/logs/error_log.nginx.debug debug;
> events {
>   worker_connections 30000;
>   use epoll;
> }
> http {
>   include       mime.types;
>   default_type  application/octet-stream;
>   index index.html index.htm;
>   output_buffers        2 256k;
>   read_ahead            256k;   # was 1m;
>   aio                   threads=default;
>   aio                   on;

This is invalid configuration due to duplicated "aio" directive.
I assume it's not the configuration with which your nginx is
currently running.

>   sendfile              on;
>   sendfile_max_chunk    256k;
>   server {
>     listen *:80 default rcvbuf=32768 backlog=2048 reuseport deferred;
>     listen *:443 ssl default rcvbuf=32768 backlog=2048 reuseport deferred;
>     server_name  localhost;
>     access_log  /home/logs/access.log;
>     error_log   /home/logs/error.log warn;
>     root /mnt;
>     expires 20m;
>     location ~ ^/crossdomain.xml { }
>     location ~ \.[Ff][Ll][Vv]$ {
>       flv;
>     }
>     location ~ \.[Mm][Pp]4$ {
>       mp4;
>     }
>   }
> }

The question remains the same: do you or some tool periodically
change the files?

  wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

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