>> I'm using that one to authenticate my users.
> auth_ldap_cache_enabled         on;
> ldap_server my_ldap_server {
>     url                         ldaps://ldap.example.org/dc=u
> sers,dc=mybase?uid?sub;
>     binddn                      cn=nginx,dc=mybase;
>     binddn_passwd               ...;
>     require                     valid_user;
> }
> server {
>   ...
>   location / {
>     auth_ldap                   "foobar";
>     auth_ldap_servers           "my_ldap_server";
>     root                        /srv/www/...;
>   }
> }

Thanks having a config to compare against is always helpful for me.

> this is like documented on https://github.com/kvspb/nginx-auth-ldap exept
> my auth_ldap statements are inside the location.
> while docs suggest them outside.
> Q: does that matter?

>From my understanding of Nginx, no, since location is lower in the
hierarchy it will just override any auth_ldap directives outside of it.

> I found it useful to explicit set "auth_ldap_cache_enabled on" but cannot
> remember the detailed reasons.
> Finally: it's working as expected for me (basic auth, no Kerberos)

Any chance anybody has played around with Kerberos auth? Currently my SSO
environment uses GSSAPI for most authentication.

Joshua Schaeffer
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