Hi there !

so I do, with 2 different ways :
        if ($http_user_agent ~* MJ12bot|SemrushBot) {
                return 403;

       if ($http_user_agent ~* bot|crawl|spider|tools|java) {
             rewrite ^ http://www.cnrtl.fr/definition/créole redirect;


Ph. Gras
Le 14 nov. 2016 à 16:04, "debilish99" <nginx-fo...@forum.nginx.org> a écrit :

> Hello,
> I have a server with several domains, in the configuration file of each
> domain I have a line like this to block bad bots.
> If ($ http_user_agent ~ *
> (zealbot|MJ12bot|AhrefsBot|sogou|PaperLiBot|uipbot|DotBot|GetIntent|Cliqzbot|YandexBot|Nutch|TurnitinBot|IndeedBot)
> Return 403;
> }
> This works fine. 
> The question is, if I increase the list of bad bots to 1000, for example,
> this would be a speed problem when nginx manages every request that
> arrives.
> I have domains that can have 500,000 hits daily and up to 20,000 hits.
> Thank you all.
> Greetings.
> Posted at Nginx Forum: 
> https://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,270930,270930#msg-270930
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