Yeah I also notice the free builds are not exactly the most visible on their

This is where you find them :

But the free builds come compiled with all the free Nginx addons you can
find on Github and other places.

nginx, nginx doc, Lua, Naxsi, Rtmp, HttpSubsModule, echo-nginx,
lower_upper_case, headers-more, auth_ldap, set-misc, lua-upstream,
encrypted-session, limit-traffic, AJP, form-input, upstream_jdomain,
ngx_cache_purge, nginx-http-concat, nginx-vod-module, nginx-module-vts

I use them because of Naxsi + Lua aswell as the problems in Windows listed
here itpp2012 fixed and
is available in his free builds.

It depends what your usage and requirements are but just like Nginx mainline
it is free same as the mainline versions and they include add-ons that are
free and are not selling anyone's add-ons/work to people illegally.

I am sure itpp2012 will see this himself and always clarifies on things.

I don't know if Maxim Dounin can tell us if Nginx Windows builds on the site will have these problems ( ) fixed like itpp2012
fixed for us anytime soon ?

Igal @ Wrote:
> Hi,
> On 3/21/2017 7:10 AM, c0nw0nk wrote:
> > I have used his builds you can download them for free...
> I didn't see a download link at  other than
> the commercial subscription
> >   Just like nginx
> > mainline builds from But specific custom features cost
> money just
> > like you would have to pay for Nginx+
> I am fine with paying for features when it's reasonable, or when it 
> supports a project that I like or use (e.g. NGINX+). In this case it 
> seemed like it was a matter of adding a switch to the build script, 
> which Maxim confirmed.
> > But this is the latest build it seems
> > That
> comes
> > compiled with everything you see in product files.
> Cool.  Thanks.  But now that the official build will include http/2 I 
> think I'll stick with it since I'm already familiar with the setup
> there 
> and have some scripts to automate installing as a service etc.
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