What is the output of

ls -l /home/workspace/project/tmp/uwsgi.sock


ps aux|grep nginx

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 12:13 PM, sandyman <nginx-fo...@forum.nginx.org>

> after struggling for almost a week on this I feel I need to reach out for
> assistance . Please Help
> I am trying to deploy my project to a production environment
> In terms of permissions I have read all the forums changed all permissions
> i.e. 777 etc etc
> srwxrwxrwx  uwsgi.sock  (owned by me full access ) !!
> I've checked over and over all the directory structures etc. Ive swtiched
> from unix sockets to http but still
> no joy .
> exact error
> 2017/09/18 06:32:56 [error] 15451#0: *1 connect() to
> unix:////home/workspace/project//
> tmp/uwsgi.sock failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to
> upstream, client: 1933
> .247.239.160, server: website.xyz, request: "GET / HTTP/1.0", upstream:
> "uwsgi://unix:////
> /home/workspace/project/tmp/uwsgi.sock:", host: "www.website.xyz"
> Nginx configuration:
> upstream _django {
>     server unix:////home/workspace/project/tmp/uwsgi.sock;
> }
> server {
>    listen 62032;
>    server_name website.xyz www.website.xyz ;
>    location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
>    location = /test-this { return 200 "Yes, this is correct\n"; }
>    location /foo { return 200 "YIKES  what a load of codswollop";}
>    root  /home/workspace/project;
>    location /static {
>       alias   /home/workspace/project/testsite/assets;
>     }
>    location /assets {
>       root   /home/workspace/project/testsite/assets;
>     }
>     location / {
>         include /home/workspace/project/uwsgi_params;
>         #include uwsgi parameters.
>         uwsgi_pass _django;
>         #tell nginx to communicate with uwsgi though unix socket
> /run/uwsgi/sock.
>     }
> uwsgi ini file
> # project.ini file
> [uwsgi]
> chdir =  /home/workspace/project/testsite
> module=testsite.wsgi:application
> socket  = /home/workspace/project/uwsgi.sock
> chmod-socket    = 666
> daemonize = /home/workspace/project/tmp/uwsgi.log
> protocol = http
> master = true
> vacuum=true
> max-requests=5000
> processes = 10
> start script
> #! /bin/bash
> PIDFILE=/home/workspace/project/startselvacura.pid
> source /home/workspace/project/venv/bin/activate
> uwsgi --ini /home/workspace/project/uwsgi-prod.ini --venv
> /home/workspace/project/venv  --pidfile $PIDFILE
> ~
> running https://www.asandhu.xyz/foo
> does return the  expected result :
> Posted at Nginx Forum: https://forum.nginx.org/read.
> php?2,276427,276427#msg-276427
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