
On Sun, Jan 07, 2024 at 09:41:33PM -0500, Saint Michael wrote:

> I am using openresty and nginx.
> I send a file to the server, which is a POST operation.  Then the
> server processes the file and needs to send back a different file. I
> try to send a file with ng.exec("/static/file_name") and I get error
> 405 Not Allowed.
> But if I do a 302 redirect, it works.
> I imagine that Nginx feels bad about sending a file in a POST
> operation, but http does not have such a limitation.
> Is there a workaround for this?

As far as I can see from the Lua module docs, ngx.exec() you are 
using in your script does an internal redirect.  As the result, 
nginx ends up with a POST request to a static file, which is not 
something nginx can handle: it does not know what to do with data 
POSTed to a static file, hence the error.

If you've already processed POSTed data, and want to show some 
static message to a client, consider returning a redirect to the 
static file to the user, such as 303 (See Other), see 
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/303 for a 
good description.

If you are sure you want to return the file as a response to the 
POST request itself (this is generally a bad practice, since it 
will break page refresh and browser history navigation), consider 
returning the file directly from your script instead of trying to 
do an internal redirect.

Maxim Dounin
nginx mailing list

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