2009/3/25 Peter Morris <mrpmor...@gmail.com>

> > http://fabiomaulo.blogspot.com/2008/11/entities-behavior-injection.html
> I think this link from your link will be more useful:
> http://nhforge.org/doc/nh/en/index.html#manipulatingdata-interceptors
> I can just execute
>    Container.BuildUp(entity.GetType(), entity);

well... that is the "same" line you should put in ReflectionOptimizer.
CreateInstance but...If you want go to interceptor you must change all your
existing code to manage the session in order to use the interceptor; the
solution in the blogpost need the implementation of only 2 classes with very
few lines, is less invasive and is injectable trough NH-Configuration....
btw... tastes are tastes
Fabio Maulo

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