You need to clear your session. Session.Clear()

On Jun 28, 12:57 pm, Colin Bowern <> wrote:
> While building out a few spikes to play around with NHibernate and I
> have hit a wall with transactions under SQLite.  My configuration
> looks like:
> FluentNHibernate.Cfg.Db.SQLiteConfiguration
>     .Standard.InMemory()
>     .ShowSql()
>     .Driver<NHibernate.Driver.SQLite20Driver>()
>     .Provider<NHibernate.Connection.DriverConnectionProvider>()
>     .ProxyFactoryFactory
> ("NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.ProxyFactoryFactory,
> NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle")
>     .Raw("connection.release_mode", "on_close");
> My test explicitly calls a rollback:
> NHibernate.ISession session = SessionManager.GetCurrentSession();
> using (NHibernate.ITransaction transaction = session.BeginTransaction
> ())
> {
>     id = (int)session.Save(new Foo { Name = "Sam" });
>     id = (int)session.Save(new Foo { Name = "Sam" });
>     transaction.Rollback();
> }
> var result = session.Get<Foo>(id.Value);
> Assert.IsNull(result);
> Yet it does not seem to rollback.  Does SQLite have support for
> transactions?  In the ShowSQL I am not seeing any evidence of it:
> == Creating Test Schema
> id
> property
> id
> property
> drop table if exists Foo
> create table Foo (Id  integer, Name TEXT, primary key (Id))
> == Inserting Test Data
> NHibernate: INSERT INTO Foo (Name) VALUES (@p0); select
> last_insert_rowid(); @p0 = 'Tom'
> NHibernate: INSERT INTO Foo (Name) VALUES (@p0); select
> last_insert_rowid(); @p0 = 'Dick'
> NHibernate: INSERT INTO Foo (Name) VALUES (@p0); select
> last_insert_rowid(); @p0 = 'Harry'
> == Initialization Complete
> NHibernate: INSERT INTO Foo (Name) VALUES (@p0); select
> last_insert_rowid(); @p0 = 'Sam'
> NHibernate: INSERT INTO Foo (Name) VALUES (@p0); select
> last_insert_rowid(); @p0 = 'Sam'
> Thanks,
> Colin
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