Look up connection pooling (ADO.NET, below NHibernate) and how to turn
this off for the Firebird ADO.NET driver. This is possibly a parameter
in you connection string.


2009/6/30 theghost <theghost...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> As part of learning nhibernate i am trying to set up some basic unit
> tests. As part of the set up I blow away and re-copy a small firebird
> database to my testing directory. I am having a problem though, in
> that somehow I am holding onto a database connection after each test
> so although any test will pass on its own my setup fails if I try to
> run 2 tests in a row. An abbreviated version of the offending code is
> as follows:
>        [SetUp]
>        public void SetUp()
>        {
>           // copy a new test file overwrite the old
>           UnitTestSetUpTearDown.CopyTestFile("NHIBERNATE.FDB");
>        }
>        [Test]
>        public void TestDoNothing()
>        {
> --- standard connection string setup etc before this results in a
> valid Configuration  object for my test db
>            cfg.AddAssembly("NhibernateExample1");
>            using (var factory = cfg.BuildSessionFactory())
>            {
>                using (var ses = factory.OpenSession())
>                {
>                   using (var trans = ses.BeginTransaction())
>                    {
>                       trans.Commit();
>                    }
>                }
>            }
>        }
>        [Test]
>        public void TestDoNothingAgain()
>        {
>            TestDoNothing();
>        }
> SetUp before TestDoNothingAgain() seems to have trouble deleting the
> old database file. Anything short of commenting out:
> using (var trans = ses.BeginTransaction())
> {
>     trans.Commit();
> }
> doesn't seem to work.. have tried calling every procedure I can find
> that might be to do with closing connections on both trans and ses but
> no luck.
> Any suggestions as to what i need to do to delete this file?
> Error is as folllows:
> NHibernate.Examples.QuickStart.UnitTestingClasses.TestDoNothingAgain:
> System.IO.IOException : The process cannot access the file 'C:
> \Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp
> \nunit20\ShadowCopyCache\3944_633820564853125000\Tests\assembly
> \dl3\d63c7fa7\7439d31b_07fac901\NHIBERNATE.FDB' because it is being
> used by another process.
> at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
> at System.IO.File.Delete(String path)
> at UnitTestUtilities.UnitTestSetUpTearDown.CopyTestFile(String
> testFileNoDir) in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents
> \Visual Studio 2008\Projects\utilityClasses
> \UnitTestSetUpTearDownProcs.cs:line 28
> at NHibernate.Examples.QuickStart.UnitTestingClasses.SetUp() in C:
> \Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Visual Studio
> 2008\Projects
> \NhibernateExample1\NhibernateExample1\UnitTestingClasses.cs:line 131
> >

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