
2009/8/10 Niclas Pehrsson <>

> I have Organization and Article And I want to have an relation in the
> database but not int the Organization object and not in the article
> object.
> I thought to make a  OrganizationAndArticleMapping that hade
> Organization and Article as properties, but that would make an new
> table which I don't need, i still want a column in my article table
> with for example organizationid.
> I could also make an mapping entity with Organizationd and then have a
> list with articles that I just make an add(article) and then save it
> but would it be the best approach when working with articles and
> Organizations? I would prefer to not involve lazy loading.
> Mappingobjects works just fine I use them behind my services so for
> example
> ArticleService.Persist(article) and articleservice has the
> organization that has been injected through constructor injection.
> How would I solve this in a neat way?
> >

Fabio Maulo

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