Everything's fine after creating an bi-directional association with an 
IList<Property> in model.

Thanks, Stefan.

Blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/JeffreyZhao/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/jeffz_cn

From: "Jeffrey Zhao" <je...@live.com>
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 10:27 PM
To: <nhusers@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [nhusers] Re: How can I JUST delete an entity using NHibernate

> Thanks for your reply, but it seems that I have to map Property as entitis
> since I need to get a single Property, modify and submit the changes of 
> it.
> I tried the mapping:
> <class name="Product" table="Product">
>    <id name="ProductID" column="ProductID">
>      <generator class="identity"/>
>    </id>
>    <property name="Name"/>
>    <list name="Properties" cascade="all" lazy="true" inverse="true">
>      <key column="ProductID" />
>      <index column="SortOrder" />
>      <one-to-many class="Property"/>
>    </list>
>  </class>
>  <class name="Property">
>    <id name="PropertyID">
>      <generator class="identity"/>
>    </id>
>    <property name="Name"/>
>  </class>
> but it seems that NH won't only provide a single Name column when insert a
> Property instance - I have to map SortOrder as a property.
> I'm trying to build a bi-directional association between Product and
> Property. Thanks for your help.
> Blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/JeffreyZhao/
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/jeffz_cn
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Stefan Steinegger" <stefan.steineg...@bluewin.ch>
> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 9:06 PM
> To: "nhusers" <nhusers@googlegroups.com>
> Subject: [nhusers] Re: How can I JUST delete an entity using NHibernate
>> The index of a list is no property. It is just a column to allow NH to
>> read it in the same order back as it has been stored.
>> Not every column is a property. Foreign keys aren't, list indexes are
>> also no properties.
>> With a list of composite-elements your Property would only look like
>> this:
>> public class Property
>> {
>>    public virtual string Name { get; set; }
>> }
>> And the table would have this columns:
>>  ProductId (foreign key to product)
>>  SortOrder
>>  Name
>> On 14 Aug., 14:44, "Jeffrey Zhao" <je...@live.com> wrote:
>>> For the last question, the reason I use "Set" is that "List" in NH
>>> mapping
>>> has an "index". I tried to use the Property.SortOrder as the index but
>>> met a
>>> lot of problems. So I try to use a "sorted set" (as the doc mentioned) 
>>> as
>>> a
>>> workaround.
>>> Thanks for your reply, I'll have a try later. I used Linq to SQL before
>>> and
>>> now I'm going to use NH but it seems much more complicated than L2S.
>>> Blog:http://www.cnblogs.com/JeffreyZhao/
>>> Twitter:http://twitter.com/jeffz_cn
>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>> From: "Stefan Steinegger" <stefan.steineg...@bluewin.ch>
>>> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 7:55 PM
>>> To: "nhusers" <nhusers@googlegroups.com>
>>> Subject: [nhusers] Re: How can I JUST delete an entity using NHibernate
>>> > You mapped the ProductID in the Property:
>>> > <class name="Property">
>>> >  ...
>>> >  <property name="Name"/>
>>> >  <property name="SortOrder"/>
>>> >  <property name="ProductID" />  <<== evil
>>> > </class>
>>> > This probably resets the product id with the property value, which is
>>> > not initialized.
>>> > Consider to have a full reference to product (don't forget to make the
>>> > set inverse="true") or just leave it away.
>>> > You are working with an ORM. This means: you don't have any relational
>>> > stuff in your class model. So you shouldn't have "foreign keys" there.
>>> > BTW, you probably should map it like this:
>>> >    <set name="Properties" cascade="all" table="Product_Details">
>>> >      <key column="ProductID" on-delete="cascade"/>
>>> >      <composite-element type="Property">
>>> >        <property name="Name"/>
>>> >        <property name="..."/>
>>> >      </composite-element>
>>> >    </set>
>>> > This makes it a list of value-type-alike instances. Property will not
>>> > have an id anymore.
>>> > Seehttp://nhforge.org/doc/nh/en/index.html#components
>>> > And - why is it a set if you need a sort order? It should probably be
>>> > a list.
>>> > On 14 Aug., 12:38, "Jeffrey Zhao" <je...@live.com> wrote:
>>> >> Thanks, I tried. As the post said, I changed the mapping sittings
>>> >> like:
>>> >> <set name="Properties" cascade="all(or save-update)" lazy="true"
>>> >> inverse="true">
>>> >>   <key column="ProductID" on-delete="cascade" />
>>> >>   <one-to-many class="Property"/>
>>> >> </set>
>>> >> And now NH just execute an DELETE sql as I want. But, I cannot
>>> >> correctly
>>> >> insert the data now:
>>> >> var product = new Product { Name = "Product" };
>>> >> product.Properties.Add(new Property { Name = "P0", SortOrder = 0 });
>>> >> product.Properties.Add(new Property { Name = "P1", SortOrder = 1 });
>>> >> session.Save(product);
>>> >> session.Flush();
>>> >> But now the data in database is:
>>> >> table Product
>>> >> ProductID   Name
>>> >> ----------- --------------------------------------------------
>>> >> 9           Product
>>> >> table Property
>>> >> PropertyID  ProductID   Name
>>> >> SortOrder
>>> >> ----------- ----------- 
>>> >> --------------------------------------------------
>>> >>  -----------
>>> >> 12          0           P0
>>> >> 0
>>> >> 13          0           P1
>>> >> 1
>>> >> The ProductID column in Property should be 9 but 0.
>>> >> // PS: I cannot find the discription of on-delete attribute in the
>>> >> doc:http://nhforge.org/doc/nh/en/index.html.
>>> >> Blog:http://www.cnblogs.com/JeffreyZhao/
>>> >> Twitter:http://twitter.com/jeffz_cn
>>> >> --------------------------------------------------
>>> >> From: "Stefan Steinegger" <stefan.steineg...@bluewin.ch>
>>> >> Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 5:59 PM
>>> >> To: "nhusers" <nhusers@googlegroups.com>
>>> >> Subject: [nhusers] Re: How can I JUST delete an entity using
>>> >> NHibernate
>>> >> > Try
>>> >> > Product product = session.Load<Product>(1);
>>> >> > session.Delete(product);
>>> >> > This should actually only create a proxy for the Product 8assuming
>>> >> > you
>>> >> > are using lazy loading). Then you can remove it.
>>> >> > then you can use on-delete in the mapping to let the database clean
>>> >> > up
>>> >> > referenced records:
>>> >> >http://vanryswyckjan.blogspot.com/2008/04/nhibernate-20-and-cascading...
>>> >> > On 14 Aug., 11:12, "Jeffrey Zhao" <je...@live.com> wrote:
>>> >> >> Hello,
>>> >> >> I'm a new for NH and I met the problem of "how can I delete an
>>> >> >> entity".
>>> >> >> For example, I've got two entity with an one-to-many association.
>>> >> >> Here's the sql to build the table (omit the association):
>>> >> >> CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Property](
>>> >> >>     [PropertyID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
>>> >> >>     [ProductID] [int] NOT NULL,
>>> >> >>     [Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
>>> >> >>     [SortOrder] [int] NOT NULL,
>>> >> >> (
>>> >> >>     [PropertyID] ASC
>>> >> >> ))
>>> >> >> GO
>>> >> >> CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Product](
>>> >> >>     [ProductID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
>>> >> >>     [Name] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
>>> >> >> (
>>> >> >>     [ProductID] ASC
>>> >> >> ))
>>> >> >> GO
>>> >> >> Here comes the entities:
>>> >> >> public class Product
>>> >> >> {
>>> >> >>     public virtual int ProductID { get; set; }
>>> >> >>     public virtual string Name { get; set; }
>>> >> >>     public virtual ISet<Property> Properties { get; set; }}
>>> >> >> public class Property
>>> >> >> {
>>> >> >>     public virtual int PropertyID { get; set; }
>>> >> >>     public virtual int ProductID { get; set; }
>>> >> >>     public virtual string Name { get; set; }
>>> >> >>     public virtual int SortOrder { get; set; }
>>> >> >> }
>>> >> >> and my hbm.xml file:
>>> >> >> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
>>> >> >> <hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2"
>>> >> >> assembly="NHTest"
>>> >> >> namespace="NHTest">
>>> >> >>   <class name="Product" table="Product">
>>> >> >>     <id name="ProductID" column="ProductID">
>>> >> >>       <generator class="identity"/>
>>> >> >>     </id>
>>> >> >>     <property name="Name"/>
>>> >> >>     <set name="Properties" cascade="all">
>>> >> >>       <key column="ProductID"/>
>>> >> >>       <one-to-many class="Property"/>
>>> >> >>     </set>
>>> >> >>   </class>
>>> >> >>   <class name="Property">
>>> >> >>     <id name="PropertyID">
>>> >> >>       <generator class="identity"/>
>>> >> >>     </id>
>>> >> >>     <property name="Name"/>
>>> >> >>     <property name="SortOrder"/>
>>> >> >>     <property name="ProductID" />
>>> >> >>   </class>
>>> >> >> </hibernate-mapping>
>>> >> >> well, that's quite simple, and I can insert one Product with two
>>> >> >> Properties without problem, but how can I delete the Product with
>>> >> >> ID
>>> >> >> equals 1? I tried:
>>> >> >> session.Delete(new Product { ProductID = 1 });
>>> >> >> session.Flush();
>>> >> >> But NH always want to update the properties' ProductID to NULL, 
>>> >> >> but
>>> >> >> my
>>> >> >> schema won't accept the change (for NOT NULL). I tried every
>>> >> >> cascade
>>> >> >> settings in the <set /> element but always faild by updating.
>>> >> >> I just want to execute the SQL like "DELETE FROM Product WHERE
>>> >> >> ProductID
>>> >> >> = 1" and everything else could be done in database. (e.g., cascade
>>> >> >> deletion).
>>> >> >> What should I do?
>>> >> >> Blog:http://www.cnblogs.com/JeffreyZhao/
>>> >> >> Twitter:http://twitter.com/jeffz_cn
>> >
> >

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