
I have an issue which I can not find in books or blogs
may be it is there but I don't have the ability to see it.
I need you to put light on it.

The issue is regarding NHibernate and the session managment.
I am involved in a desktop app project and I am using
session per form approach So I am reading objects and writing
in a conversation through one session ... I have sometimes problems

Is it better to read objects through IStatelessSession
and write them through UoW ISession?

Click the image below to see what I mean:

Is it a bad or good to do like this in a desktop application?

make session, read, destroy session
make session, re-attach objects (usually proxy's), Commit session,
and again open, read, close
open, re-attach, write, close

I am trying to do CpBT (Conversation per Business Transaction),
if I leave sessions open things get messed up sometimes
it throws trying to associate object in two sessions etc...
This is the end of quesion 1.

I have one more question just look to the example below and read the

Click the image below to see what I mean:

What do you recommend me to do?

Also when I open a session I do like this:
Click the image below to see what I mean:

Since I don't know how to set the FlushMode to Commit
by default I do it during session creation

Visar Uruqi

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