Accidentally sent before I finished - the 6th gear, with the extra power or so 
the displacement would indicate, are my reasoning for the conclusion in the 
first half of my post...

From: "" <>
Sent: Fri, February 19, 2010 11:45:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] CL 350 - CB 360

I had a cb360 my brother had a cl350. I liked both of them. some times we would 
trade them out for a week. It was like having 2 bikes. I think I liked the 
cl350 best but it was close.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Fri, Feb 19, 2010 11:32 pm
Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] CL 350 - CB 360

The CL350  was a lower geared "Scrambler" Style   The CB360 was a 6-spd

Feb 19, 2010 12:22:48 PM, wrote:

What was the difference?  Mine had the pipes going up one side together, 
instead of swept down on each side.  Was that the CL?  What other differences 
were there?  Did it have more ground clearance?
>Whatever the differences are, I sure liked that bike.  It would sip gas at 
>about 60 miles to the gallon, and was quite nimble in Puerto Rican traffic, 
>and quick.  Especially after I got on it from my 550 Four!
From: Dennis Hammerl 
>Sent: Thu, February 18, 2010 9:50:22 PM
>Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Hello from New Mexico!
>I bought a 160 for my first wife. I liked it so much, I rode it most of the 
>time. After two years, I sold it and made money on it. I could never raise 
>much interest in the Honda 200 and 250's... boring. I had an X-6 and that is 
>the standard of 250 this day. When I met my wife (#2) she had 
>a 250 Rebel. The 305's ? One of the best examples of Italian design / 
>influence. Both the CB/CL72 and CB/CL77 (250 and 305) were nightmares of 
>complexity. More chains and bearings than you can count. Ball bearing 
>cam,crank,, chain drive primary.. NOISY MOTORS. Fragile four speed.. 
>Eventually Honda got onto the idea that a film of oil worked better than a 
>bearing... FYI: Honda made more 350's than anything ever ('68~'73) Was your 
>"scrambler" a CL350 or an SL350 ? Big difference. 
From: stanley/ Randolph 
>Sent: Thu, February 18, 2010 9:49:43 PM
>Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Hello from New Mexico!
>Well, your comments explain why I was not to keen on my 550's lacklustre 
>performance.  Or how it would flex.  I did go over 100mph on it, the only 
>thing I liked about it, other than, as you said - it was smooth. Still, I 
>didn't like it that much, so I rented it out and used my 350 most of the 
>time.  I also had a 125 that I  bought (in PR), just because my dad made me 
>bring back a classic Bentley 125 I had bought, back in Phoenix.  Kind of I can 
>do what I want now and Iwill ride a 125.  It was fun, but not as much as the 
>scrambler 350.  The 350 Four?  Never had much interest in it because of my 
>experience with the 550, so never rode one.  I repaired a CM200 for a gal, 
>down here a few years back,  and rode it after to test:   there again, not 
>too  impressed with it.  Like the 250 Nighthawk better.
>My buddy in Phoenix had to get a bike when he saw me with my little step-thru 
>50.  His dad gave him just about anything he wanted, so he got a 305 Hawk and 
>that wasn't good enough so he had the engine balanced and blueprinted and put 
>in a cam as well.  He soon grew tired of that and bought a Triumph Bonney  I 
>rode it and also rode on the back one day with him.  He didn't see this car 
>coming, and pulled out in front of him.  The guy hit his brakes, Gary went 
>full throttle, and I held on for dear life.  The end result?  He pulled away 
>in time and we were safe, 'cept for the two brown spots on his seat (lol).
>Can you imagine jumping hills with a Bonney?  He did, and finally did the 
>front forks in.  I did jump with him, on my 160, which was more fun, IMO.  I 
>didn't take it to the extreme like he did, so never ruined my bike...
>BTW, I could make quick work of a Yamaha 180 with my 160, two up on each.  I 
>took my time breaking it in.  It was quick.  I can't give the exact year, but 
>I think it was a '68.  I have done what you say, with the kickstarter, on my 
>160, on the center stand.  That's how I would start it, to oil my chain;  
>never tried in on the scrambler, but that wasn't a 350F...
> Stanley
From: Dennis Hammerl 
>Sent: Wed, February 17, 2010 10:14:46 PM
>Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Hello from New Mexico!
>I never thought the old 550 K series were anything to write home about. Just 
>big, smooth fours. The old 350 twins ran almost as well and the early twin-cam 
>450 would make short work of one of those. For a bike like your 450, I'd use 
>Bridgestones. Top heavy ? Not really, just more weight in general and, of 
>course, above the axle center line. Ever ride a 350 four ? Another short lived 
>bike from Honda. Very collectible now. Only made '73~'74. The CB400F not 
>nearly as neat as the 350F. (CB400F not made very long either)  The 350F was a 
>little jewel. I could pull out the kick starter with the bike on my lift at 
>full height and start it with my hand.  
From: stanley/ Randolph 
>Sent: Wed, February 17, 2010 2:27:23 PM
>Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Hello from New Mexico!
>Thank you for your input, Dennis.  On my 450, I would not put Kendas.  
>It feels faster than my 550 Four that I owned in Puerto Rico.  At least, 
>acceleration wise, anyway.  But then, I am older and not as quick with the 
>reflexes and inclined to take it more slowly; but it is, partly, because I am 
>not used to that much acceleration on two wheels any more.  
>Heck - I am not used to it on four wheels, what am Italkin' about???
>The only thing about this 450 is that it seems a bit top heavy, unlike my 350 
>scrambler, which was light and nimble.  Am I right about that?  Is its CG a 
>bit high? 
>Maybe after I ride awhile in the spring, I will become more familiar with the 
>whole machine and get into it again...
From: Dennis Hammerl 
>Sent: Mon, February 15, 2010 10:42:33 PM
>Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Hello from New Mexico!
>Sorry about your father. We only get one set of parents. 
>Home buying ? Be very careful. Good time to buy distressed. (they call it 
>"motivated" ) 
>Kendas on a 250 ? No problem. Not for sport bikes that may be ridden hard. 
From: stanley/ Randolph 
>Sent: Mon, February 15, 2010 2:36:32 PM
>Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Hello from New Mexico!
>I do understand safety, and will be able to afford the best now, because of my 
>inheritance.  Father died.  I have enough to buy a home(if I do it soon), plus 
>some to live on as well.
>The 250 was purely commute.  To work and to the store for groceries, etc.
>Last three cars died from under me - transmissions - but now I have a nice 
>F150, extended cab.  Great truck, but IMO, uses too much gas.  Will be hooking 
>up one of my newly revised (fifth "generation" ) hydrogen generators this week 
>to discover how much of an improvement it will make.
>I think I will probably put it on a Ford analysing machine, to determine if 
>there are any tuning issues.  It has a slight imbalance at some moments that 
>comes and goes.   
>--- On Sun, 2/14/10, Dennis Hammerl wrote:
>>From: Dennis Hammerl 
>>Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Hello from New Mexico!
>>Date: Sunday, February 14, 2010, 9:28 PM
>>No secret, they are a bargain brand tire that I won't use on any bike that 
>>can be used for anything other than commuting. When replacing tires, I like 
>>to use a better grade than OEM. IMHO Kenda is not. Plenty that are though. I 
>>understand budget concerns but can't justify sacrificing safety. 
From: stanley/ Randolph 
>>Sent: Sun, February 14, 2010 6:26:53 PM
>>Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Hello from New Mexico!
>>Dennis -
>>I would like to know - why no Kendas?  While I had no trouble with them, 
>>they're not trustworthy if it's been sitting.  The Dunlops that were on it 
>>when I bought it were imbalanced and I am sure it was from sitting in a 
>>garage for some nine years.  It only had 815 miles on it.  So, I would not 
>>use any tire that has been sitting for a few years, regardless of how much 
>>tread it has on it.
>>When I replaced the originals with the Kendas, they made a huge difference; 
>>and they needed replacement some 8,000 miles later.  
>>I replaced them myself both times, with the tools in the OEM kit and a pry 
>>At the time I had very little money and had just recovered from my accident 
>>enough to go to work part time.  It was hard going at first, being on my legs 
>>for that long.  I worked at night and the 250 was our main transportation, 
>>for the both of us.  
>>Mostly, it was for my wife, though.  Now, she won't get on it: go figure.
>>We both or each went to work on that bike rain or shine, did all of the 
>>maintenance, and she was faithful to take us everywhere: over 15,000 miles in 
>>two years,  seldom using the car, because it used too much gas, even at 31mpg 
>>in town.  We were starting out anew, had little, and spent little.  
>>That little Honda 250 Nighthawk performed well, never complaining, not even 
>>in the rain, except once, when a plug went bad: nooo problema...
>>When I actually put the 450 on the road in the spring, it will have new 
>>tires(-haven't decided which yet, Metzler or maybe Avon), rebuilt caliper, 
>>and maybe some attention to the carbs, if I still feel a slight hesitation 
>>after running a tank or two with SeaFoam.
>>--- On Sat, 2/13/10, Dennis Hammerl wrote:
>>>From: Dennis Hammerl 
>>>Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Hello from New Mexico!
>>>Date: Saturday, February 13, 2010, 9:23 PM
>>>If you say so.. The condition you describe makes me still think a tire 
>>>problem. You bought it with these tires on ? Block it up so the front wheel 
>>>is free and spin by hand. Look close for the tread to run true and from the 
>>>side, for out-of-round. There is usually a line around a tire that is close 
>>>to the rim that can be used to reference the bead. Sometimes your hand is 
>>>the best instrument to use. Spin the wheel and let it run through a light 
>>>grip. Imperfections can be felt that aren't easily seen. If it meets all of 
>>>these criteria, we'll look elsewhere. It slips me for now, what model is 
>>>this again ? 
>>># No,  Kenda is not a brand I would buy or use. sorry. The official policy 
>>>of Honda when pursuing a problem like this is to replace a tire to determine 
>>>if that is the cause (when all else checks out fine) Hidden defects can be 
>>>resolved this way. Barring that, we'll get into more chassis detail. You've 
>>>done a good job of eliminating most things already. I take very seriously 
>>>anything that can compromise safety. 
From: NM85NightHawk 
>>>To: Nighthawk Motorcycle Lovers! 
>>>Sent: Sat, February 13, 2010 4:00:45 PM
>>>Subject: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: Hello from New Mexico!
>>>Hey guys!
>>>I didn't find any flat spots on the tires. They are nearly new and
>>>still have the little nubby's along the extreme outside edges.
>>>The bead looks to be nice and even on both sides. I had a friend
>>>double check just in case I went blind.
>>>The tires are Kenda Cruiser K671 front and rear.
>>>Are these known to be good tires? Or should I look to replacing them
>>>pretty soon?
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