Yesterday a lady made a left-turn in front of Me & stopped like a deer-in-the-headlights blocking my lane.  I stopped & raised My arms in the air.  Any day now, You need an invitation to move.

Packed my straight-pipes w/ fibre-glass tdy.  I like the lower-sound, but it deteriorates too quickly

550-BFF - S. York Pa.

Sep 15, 2010 05:31:11 PM, wrote:
I don't have loud pipes. I don't want loud pipes. I am glad I live in a country
>where I can have loud pipes if I want loud pipes.

> From: paul annen <>
> To:
> Sent: Wed, Sep 15, 2010 3:49 pm
> Subject: Re: [Nighthawk Lovers] Re: this mornings brush with death
through more reading im
>finding that louder pipes realy dont help... i wonder if there have been any scientific
>studies that loud pipes save lives or not?
On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 2:16 PM, sfox618 <> wrote:
>1ex" class=gmail_quote>This morning I was waiting to turn right onto another street
>- I had
> one car in front of me. Coming down the street I was waiting to turn
> onto was a Harley, that I see a lot. It has really load pipes. The
> car in front of me pulled out in-front of him. It was close and the
> guy in the box (car) in front of me clearly didn't see or hear the
> Harley. He did hear his stock horn.....
> I'm not a fan of load pipes and in this instance they really didn't
> make a difference.
> Sean

> On Sep 13, 9:55 am, yeti <> wrote:
> > i wrote this out on facebook.. please follow the link, read and
> > comment...
> >
> > for those without facebook...
> >
> > so, this morning i got a little scared on my way to work. driving
> > through daytona (the motorcycle capital of the world!!!) and a guy in
> > a car decided to merge right into me. now this isent big news, anybody
> > that has driven a bike for any amount of time has had the chance to
> > share a lane with a car. but today was different, i had krissie on the
> > back and that makes me drive more carefully, but on top of that i
> > dident see the guy start to come over. i was passing him in the left
> > lane and right when i was at the drivers window he was so close i
> > could smell hes morning coffee through the glass. i was able to find
> > my horn button quickly (not an easy task in a rush on the wing) and he
> > pulled back over in a rush. but not before i could react and get my
> > foot out...
> >
> > my point is that i love my wing, but i cant help thinking that if i
> > were on a louder bike (like an HD) he might have head me and not tried
> > to merge right then. on the other hand why should i sacrifice my
> > comfort (mostly talking hearing here) by driving a noise machine just
> > to get other motorists to pay attention like there supposed to
> > anyway.. guess it goes back to what one of my friends keeps saying "i
> > would rather be wrong and alive then dead and right"
> --
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