I have seen really cool ninjas 250r going for $1500 or so. I am not even
sure if I will pay $1800 for a 250 Hyosung in running condition.

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Joey Kelley <sandp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> All,
>       GF and I are going to look at a 2008 Hyosung with just over
> 6,000 miles on it tonight. Its a 250 - but it won't start. They don't
> know why. The starter has been replaced and that didn't apparently
> make it work. I've got the price knocked down to $1800 but still
> wondering if its a bit of a gamble at that price.
>       Any thoughts?
>       Also, we're not sure that she'll even fit on it yet so - well -
> she might come up short :-)
>        -Joey
> --
> -Joey Kelley
> JoeyKelley.com - My Life Online
> JoeyFixesComputers.com - Its What I Do!
> JoeyKelleyPhoto.com - Photographing Today, For Tomorrow
> --
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