Awesome story! Thanks. 

On Tuesday, May 8, 2012 10:54:00 AM UTC-7, Double G wrote:
> Hi Paul, Just visited the new web site. Cudos. 
> As a former District Manager for the Honda motorcycle division I'd 
> like to add some little known info on the birth of the Nighthawk S. 
> One of our east coast Area Managers was Mike Kehne. (Hope I spelled 
> that right) Prior to his joining Honda he worked at a shop in Maryland 
> I think it was....He and fellow sales folk were adding the bits such 
> as bikini fairing to std 750s and having good sales numbers with them. 
> As luck would have it, Japanese engineers were traveling the area and 
> visited the shop. They liked what they saw and consulted w/ Mike over 
> the next few months to come up with a new bike. The Nighthawk S. So 
> the "S" was Born in the USA!. Mike is no longer with us, but his 
> inovation and vision helped create on of the all time greats. He too 
> was an all time great. 
> Hope I did justice to this Mike. Double G

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