I just purchased a 84 CB650SC in pretty good condition but the took kit is 
missing and according to the users manual there are tools in there required 
to make adujustments to the shocks and other suspension items.  Where can I 
acquire a complete tool kit for the bike?
On Monday, January 11, 2010 1:27:09 PM UTC-8, Paul wrote:
> Are you new to Nighthawk Lovers and you have a question about your bike? 
> Before you send a note to the group, pop over to 
> http://groups.google.com/group/nighthawk_lovers<http://www.google.com/url?sa=D&q=http://groups.google.com/group/nighthawk_lovers&usg=AFQjCNFLqjS3tHJlM_tQOGmPA4Wkrc7_Zg>and
>  use Google's famous 
> search engine to search past messages. There's a chance we've discussed it 
> before. 
> If you don't find anything by searching, send a note to the group by 
> addressing your message to Nighthawk_lovers@googlegroups.com
> DO NOT reply to this message, as it will only go to me personally and NOT 
> to the group.
> Ride safe.
> Paul 
> Group Admin 

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