So much to see and do out west, it's hard to choose.  But since your plan 
includes all the way to the coast, the Pacific Coast Highway stands out in 
my mind.  Any part (or all of it) would make an awesome ride.

Honda is so impressed with it they named a motorcycle after it.

On Saturday, June 20, 2015 at 2:12:08 AM UTC-4, EGrider wrote:

> People who have been on here long enough to know who I am know that I'm an 
> adventure junkie in addition to a motorcycle maniac. Here's a map with the 
> approximate route I plan to travel next month. Google maps only lets you 
> put in 10 cities, so a lot was decided by Google, not me, but I put in 
> Sturgis, Ontario, OR (to visit Paul), Denver (brother), and 
> Branson/Nashville/Memphis (also music junkie) as givens. If you can 
> recommend any interesting places not too far off the route or if you even 
> want to invite me over for coffee or worse, I welcome all comments.
> Unfortunately Ol' Yeller's headlight went on strike again tonight as I was 
> riding home from work. Not sure what to do about that as I'll definitely 
> need a headlight on the trip, if only for getting back to the motel after 
> dinner.  It's sure to come on intermittently during the trip; maybe I'll 
> just rig a hotwire off the battery for emergencies. Too late to buy 
> something else I could trust for a trip like this short of a new bike, or 
> at least it feels like it to me, Dang! Headlight issue is creating a 
> love/hate relationship with my NH.

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