If they almost run over me, I just want to see them urinate and defecate on 
themselves, so that they might remember when the next motorcyclists is in 
front of them :-) 

If you don't sound like a car, then they will run over you and keep going! 
On the whole, LA has excellent drivers; but with so many, you are bound to 
get some really terrible ones too statistically speaking (like the 19 y.o. 
girl who ran over my pristine 1993 Nighthawk 750!) My torn meniscus in both 
of my knees still hurt night and day from that crash.

On Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 9:08:03 PM UTC-7, Allen wrote:
> That bike is getting to be quite nicely farkled. Though if you ever use 
> that horn button you might make someone crash, or have a heart attack. Lol.
> Allen Thomas

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