Without hijacking the thread. Seam Foam is supposed to be more of a cleaner 
than a fuel stabilizer like Stabil.

On Wednesday, December 23, 2015 at 9:13:52 AM UTC-6, Paul wrote:
> The sun peeked out from behind the clouds ever so briefly yesterday but 
> long enough to melt more of the ice from the roads, so my wife encouraged 
> me to take advantage of it and get my new NH 750 down to the DMV office and 
> get the title transferred. Turned out to be a good idea since a few days 
> before Christmas there were only a few other people there. Another 
> fortunate thing is that the DMV office is just a little over 1 mile from my 
> home. It was about 40 degrees which felt pretty good standing still, but 
> MAN that windchill is something else!!! Stopped by the gas station on the 
> way home and made sure my tank was full. Then, came home and got my son's 
> 750 out and drove it down and filled it up too. (Picked up a couple cans of 
> SeaFoam for good measure.)
> Glad I did that yesterday, because THIS morning we woke up to about 2 
> inches of fresh snow!
> ​
> *Paul LeBoutillier *
> *www.hondanighthawks.net <http://www.hondanighthawks.net/>*
> Honda Nighthawk Lovers Email group 
> <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/nighthawk_lovers>

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