I can confirm that Honda Part #35101-MN4-010 (base contact from late 80's 
CBR600F) fits the 90's CB750s.  The switch housings are identical.  The 
CBR600F switch has six wire soldered to contacts while the CB750 switch has 
only two wires for the connected.  Parts bin indeed...

The new switch made a dramatic difference.  Idle and lights are noticeably 
stronger.  Still a little slow to warm up, but perhaps that is now because 
it's been sitting in the garage the past month :/.

Also FWIW, it is possible to snap open the base contact and sandpaper the 
contact surfaces.  However, in attempting to do so, I lost one of the 
internal ball bearings off in the great beyond, so do exercise caution if 


On Saturday, February 27, 2016 at 9:26:58 AM UTC-6, Kurt Nolte wrote:
> You'll have to let us know what part number you tried and how well it 
> works.
> On Feb 26, 2016 4:08 AM, "Neil Dantam" <neil....@gmail.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
>> On 02/25/2016 04:48 PM, Kurt Nolte wrote:
>>> Honda likes using parts from the bin for different bikes, despite a
>>> different part number.
>>> I wouldn't be surprised to discover a 90s CBR base contact would fit,
>>> and just have too many wires/alternate contacts.
>> Well, I found a NOS part on ebay that /looks/ like it'll fit.  We
>> shall see...
>> The control box grounds the coils' primary windings, and breaks ground
>>> to fire them. Any vehicle with coils doesn't have true capacitor
>>> discharge ignition; the whole point of CapacitorDI was to ditch the
>>> coils, after all.
>>> CDI can _also_ stand for "computerized direct ignition," which is
>>> another name for any engine firing scheme without a distributor but
>>> still using coils and some sort of pickup.
>> Thanks for the explanation.  I guess CDI must mean something
>> different in Honda's dictionary.
>> Cheers,
>> -ntd
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