Hello All..

A few digests back, one of our own mentioned that he had picked up a
used Canon GR80TP grip (which includes a built-in table top tripod
affair) and it mounted very well to the '70. Having for some time
bemoaned the fact that Nikon had not made provisions for a vertical use
situation with this camera, I ordered one through my local Ritz Camera.
Delivered in three days, I filed down the small metal register pin, and
placed it on my trusted '70...Voila!! A fantastic vertical hold. Of
course, no vertical release, but this unit does mate well to the camera.
My only disappointment is that there is NOT a tripod tap in the bottom
of the grip. Additionallly, it DOES give the camera a different
appearance, which you may or may not appreciate. To the unsung lister
(I've misfiled the Digest..) I say Thank you, Sir.
Happy Holiday Shooting All!


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