>I am new to this list and need some help!  I currently own the
>following equipment:

>Nikon 8008s
>Tokina 28-70 f2.8 ATX (Non D)
>Nikon 75-300 4.5-5.6 (Non D)
>No Flash Yet!

>Should I spend $250 to upgrade to a N90s even though I don't have
>"D" lenses?

It really depends on why you want to upgrade.  Personally, I find the
N90s's greatest strength is it 3D matrix flash metering which
requires D lenses.  I do use flash a lot for fill and as my
primary light source.  If you don't need it, don't bother.

>If I did switch to the N90s...I may consider trading in
>the 28-70 for the Nikon 24-120 "D"  but then there is the slow speed
>issue and another $250 to make the swich!  Thats $500 and I still
>need a flash!

Personally, if I had your equipment, I would buy a flash first, then
some other lenses I want, then I would worry about the camera body.
Then again, I actually bought a used Nikkormat FTn two years after I
bought my N90s.  I wanted a cheap second body that could operate without
batteries and has mirror lockup that I would use for my "artistic"
photography as opposed to some of the "family" duty required sometimes
of my N90s.

Since I am not wealthy (yet), whenever I buy equipment, I have to justify
the expense to myself by asking if my photographic possibilities or
technical quality will improve with the new equipment.  If the answer is
no improvement or not significant, I don't buy it.

This has kept me
from buying a grey market FM2n which keeps tempting me because it is
such a good and cheap camera.  $350 for a NEW, all mechanical, metal
framed, 1/4000 top speed, 1/250 flash sync, relatively small and lightweight.
It is a great deal!  The problem is that it would expand my photo possiblities
or quality beyond my current equipment at all.

David Johnson

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