John Partis wrote:

>I guess this subject may have come up before. Has anyone advice on
>whether play in the film advance lever of my 16 year old F3T is
>something to worry about, likely to get worse, easy to fix?

I assume you are talking about vertical play in the film advance lever.  I
bought a second F3 not too long ago and I notice it had significantly more
vertical play than my old F3.  I removed the lever and could find no way to
tighten it so I took it to Nikon USA.  They said that the whole advance
assembly had to be replaced but that the play was not excessive and should
be not problem.  I said it bothered me in the way I handled the camera and
insisted on having it fixed.  They fixed it in a little less than 2 weeks
and it is as tight as my other F3.  This was a warantee repair so it cost me
nothing.  Since the F3 is still in production parts should not be a problem.


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