Roger was looking for input on an imminent purchase:

"I wish to be well set up to photograph public events (such as
parades, demonstrations...
Would also like to do well photographing friends/co-workers.
...more subjects: impromptu shots wandering a city including
Mural images

"Am figuring a zoom for convenience to minimize changing lenses
during an event. Criteria considering presently:
        auto focus
        range:wide to normal (to maybe long)
        reasonably fast (or at least not slow)
        little distortion (I think this will probably weigh heavily)"

"My first thoughts were for the 24-120/3.5-5.6, it seemed so
magically perfect. Lately, the 24-50/3.3-4.5 seems to have
potential to be a contender ..."

The 24-120 has been reported in this forum to have noticeable distortion
(of a complex, "mustache" variety), so I would therefore rule it out.  I
shoot with the 24-50 extensively.  It has noticeable barrel distortion
on the 24mm end (many lay people won't notice it, but a photographer
will).  Still and all, the lens is a favorite of mine for features /
weight / price.

I also shoot with the 35-70 f/2.8, and I've not noticed significant
distortion there.  It is one of the few zooms that are in the same class
with the 80-200 f/2.8 (Which Roger will get eventually).  If quality and
speed are your aim, my money is on the 35-70 f/2.8 and a 24mm f/2.8
prime lens.  You need to sort out which one comes first.  

Good luck on your quest.
Todd & Sharon Peach
Seattle, Washington

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