>I then called their order line, to confirm the price.  This clerk told me
>that the price was $1900, there was a built-in rebate included in the $1900
>price, but no additional rebate.

I have had bad luck wiht B&H too.  I ordered a few filters and paid
alittle extra for faster delivery, and I was told "thank you for your
order" and the final price.  That was on 12/8.  Seems that my order is a
'special order' which has to be paid in advance and has to be delayed 4-6
weeks.  No one told me anything about a special order.  They have already
charged my credit card.  if 6 weeks and one minute goes by, I am having the
credit card company isue a chargeback.  This is close to fraud.  I needed
the items for Christmas!  B&H is just another one of the mail order houses
which walks a thin line, they keep enough people satisfied to where they
stay in business, but I doubt any more than they need to.

>I don't know at this point whether I was mislead or not, or whether any
>misleading was intentional or not, or whether I will end up keeping the
>camera or not.  I guess I'll know when I receive, or do not receive, the
>promised $200 rebate form.

If they offered it to you for $1700 then they oughht to honor it for
customer service.  Beware that AAA and other places will give you a great
price in the F5 and then ask if you want to buy a finder with it!  Yup,
they strip the finder!

85mm VS 60MM

>Hi, I am planning on buying either the Nikon
>85mm or the Nikon 60mm Macro.
>Any recommendation?
>Any help is greatly appreciated.

Apples and Oranges.  I use the 60 for copy work and the 85 for portraits.


>Any ideas whether the resolution will
>hold or if the shot will be viewable from perhaps a foot away at least?
>This pertains to both lens and film (I read somewhere that Ektar 25 will
>allow for "grainless" 20x30 inch prints, but frankly I'm a bit

I have made 20x30 and 30x40 with Ektar 25.  It is a film I sorely miss.
You can dop it if you follow two simple rules:

1. Use a tripod, even if your shutter speed is 1/500th.
2. Bracket 5 stops, the film is picky!


>I am looking for a filter which darkens the sky and enhances the clouds in
>color films. In Nikon tech material I found the yellow filter (Y44, Y48,
>Y52) may fit the requirement, BUT, is specified that this filter is for
>Black & White film.
>Is there such yellow filter also for color films ?

You want a polarizer.  I have seen linear and circular as well as Keiselman
or whatever his name is, I have no idea what the latter one is for, but it
is expensive!


>Does anybody know whether this conector is just a Nikon standard or it can
>be found in shops. That is because I dont want looking for it if is not
>available, and in such a case, to spend 12.500 pesetas (90 US$) to get one

Dang, I wish I had picked it up for $40 last Sunday.  They have them at the
camera shows here.

19-35 ZOOM

>Can anyone comment on the Vivitar Series 1 wide angle 19-35 mm AF zoomlens ?
>Are there other lenses that are interesting in this focal range.
>I'm not looking for a prime, as I won't use it often.

It is a series 1 so it has a lot of credibility there.  I saw one at the
show last Sunday for $125 and passed, I hardly use wide angle.  The body of
the lens seemed a bit flimsy and weak, but it is no comparison to the Nikon
20-35/2.8 at ten times the price.

Robert in Redlands

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