On Wed, 30 Dec 1998 14:25:02 -0600 Barton Stanley wrote:

> The second thing
> that bugs me is that it is not possible to set the film speed on the N60.
> It reads the DX-encoded film cartridge, and sets the speed itself.

My Pentax A3000 also has this problem and I overcome it by painting over
the DX encodings on the film canister with a black felt-tip marker (pen).
This makes the film be non-DX, so the camera can't use this information.
I then simply set the film speed manually on the camera.  This is how
I do exposure compensation on this camera, which is basically a
brain-dead specimen intended for simple point-and-shoot operation.

> I knew when I purchased the camera that it did not have
> depth-of-field preview.  [snip].  Still, it would be nice to have
> sometimes.

You can get DOF preview by turning the lens slightly, as if you were
going to dismount it from the camera.  With my F70, I find that
turning the lens until the white dot on the lens (which indicates
aperture setting) is under the lowercase 'n' of "Nikon" on the camera
body works just great -- it enables DOF preview but the lens is still
locked securely on the camera body.  WARNING: you must be careful not
to turn the lens too far, or you risk it falling off the camera!


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