Recently, my N90s has been "beeping" at me and I don't know why.  It is a 
stock set-up (I don't have photosecretary - yet!).  The problem seems to be 
in either low light or cold - or both.  Any suggestions?  I use alkaline 

I've just read two of Ansel Adams books on the Zone System and would like 
to talk - off line - to anyone who can help me extrapolate this to the 
pictures that I take.  Specifically, I'd like to:

1.  scan a photograph or negative into my computer (not a problem)
2.  convert the RGB values to % gray (I do not understand how to do this.)
3.  convert the % gray to zones (I think I understand how to do this, but 
I'd like some confirmation.)
4.  print out the pictures in zones of gray for further study. (Not sure 
that monitor RGB and printer density relate to %gray in the same manner.)

The keys here are understanding RGB to % gray, % gray to Zone, and Monitor 
to printer equivalence.

Thanks for any help in advance.

Steve MacLeod
N90s in Kalamazoo - in the deep snow!

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