Greetings fellow list members,

        There has been quite a few postings regarding the SB28 and
underexposure lately so I thought I would pass thi on to the list.  
I recently was asked to shoot a high school wrestling tournament 
by a friend who coaches one of the local schools.  I was unable to 
check out the gym before the event so I brought both 400 and 800 film.  
The light was less than ideal to say the least.  The 800 speed film 
barely gave me a shutter speed of 1/80 @ at 2.8.  I attached my SB28 
after doing a quick refresher of the manual.  I shot in aperature 
priority with all focus area's active, "dynamic autofocus", I was able 
to shoot at 1/100 @ 3.2.  Knowing in advance that the SB28 will be 
trying to balence the ambiant light with the light from the flash I 
dialed in +.05 compensation.  The effect I was trying to get was a hint 
of motion blur with the main subjects slightly brighter than the 
background.  Worked perfectly, the only error's made were my attempts 
to outsmart the camera meter.  Quick note, I was using the new
Superia 800 and was pleased with the results.  A great action film.
        I guess what I am trying to say is that you must read the
manuals.  Do a series of test shots to see what the system can and
cannot do, preferably on chromes.  Then experiment with various 
settings to see which you prefer and go from there.  Happy shooting!

Mark H. Jones

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