Recently I bought an MB10 vertical grip for my Nikon N90s. The next day 
when I was trying with this new "toy" I found a problem that I've never 
encountered before: the battery indicator on the camera said that the 
battery was almost empty although the 4 AA Duracell alkaline batteries in 
the MB10 are new. Astonished by this I took the batteries out the MB10 and 
checked the power with the PowerCheck--even more puzzeled it indicates an 
almost 100% full of power. It must be something wrong with the MB10 and the 
battery indicator of the camera: I checked this many many times and it 
turned out the following: switching on the camera after a switch-off, the 
battery indicator says 100% ok. After a single shoot, the indicator jumps 
to saying battery is almost empty (half). Without the MB10 this does not 

I was not happy with this situation (though the problem could always be 
solved with powering off the camera and on again but then my finger will 
become hot in practical shooting). Then I thought about this Nikon mailing 
list: by checking the archives, I found out that many of you who have an 
MB10 also complained about the power problem but no real solution was 
provided. Suddenly I recalled me that the man who helped me transporting 
the batteries from my camera's battery holder to the MB10 case, when I 
bought the MB10 from them (, said about this: you 
should use real Varta camera batteries instead of the normal Duracell 
batteries. Then I thought: why not give it a try. Then I ran to a shop and 
bought 4 AA Duracell Extra power batteries (they didn't have Varta extra 
power). Guess what: after inserting these batteries to the MB10 I don't 
have the above-mentioned problem anymore. Now I've taken 5 rolls with these 
extra power batteries and the battery indicator still says 100% power. So 
my conclusion: the N90s in combination with the MB10 really needs extra 
power. The extra powered batteries can resolve this problem, at least it 
works for me. If you have the same problem, why not give it a try?

Jian Luo

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