Cande wrote:

>For several years, I've always wondered as to why camera manu- 
>facturere make bodies that are most suited for right-handed 
>persons and not for the left. Agreed, there are (significantly) 
>more right-handed than left-handed people. 

>Let me make this claim first: The reason why I said "right-handed" 
>is more of convinence since camera bodies have the shutter-release 
>on the right. On the contrary, if the shutter release was on the 
>left, I would have said "left-handed". Please don't start a thread 
>on this, but what I'm hoping to debate on is why the shutter release 
>(and other buttons) is not on the left side of the body.

>I'm told that some camera manufacturers do make camera bodies 
>suited for left-handed people, but the common camera bodies 
>(at least the Nikons) are designed for right-handed persons.

>My apologies for this non-Nikon-specific question, buy lets try 
>and keep the debate to Nikon bodies ! If this issue has been 
>discussed earlier, please let me know, and I'll go and dig the 
>digest archives. I look forward to your thoughts. Thanks.

>Cande Ananth
>ps: Yes, I'm left handed !


A simplistic answer/suggestion, and possibly one requiring more manual
desterity than you possess, is: Try turning the camera upside down and
operating it with yout left thumb. I used to do that when I needded a
couple more inches of height to shoot over the heads of a crowd of people.
Maybe it can't be done with today's gazillion-button 'automatic' (if they
were truly automatic they wouldn't need so damned many controls) cameras.

Just a thought.

Best regards,

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